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Urine as a fertiliser ????


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  • #46
    Urine acts as a compost accelerant... just pour it on and leave it. No smell either.

    Isn't nature wonderful and cheap? :-)


    • #47
      I had a complain from a neighbour about me peeing on my plants cos I was doing it from
      the first floor window.


      • #48
        Originally posted by FB. View Post
        Urine seems to be a better fertiliser than most; plants really love it. I suspect it's because, for millions of years before mankind came along, the natural fertilisers were dinosaur poo and dinosaur wee...
        Until this moment the idea of a dinosaur peeing had never crossed my mind, but thinking of the torrent from a full grown horse, and mentally scaling up to one of those stegasaurus type thingys, no wonder most of the planet was covered with steaming jungle.....
        Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
        Endless wonder.


        • #49
          Always seemed to me it was the most natural fertiliser but some say there may be
          bacteria or whatever in it.

          I may try an experiment with a few plants.


          • #50
            I mean it obviously does not do trees and harm cos dogs are always peeing on them.


            • #51
              Originally posted by mothhawk View Post
              Until this moment the idea of a dinosaur peeing had never crossed my mind, but thinking of the torrent from a full grown horse, and mentally scaling up to one of those stegasaurus type thingys, no wonder most of the planet was covered with steaming jungle.....
              Imagine filling your wheelbarrow with dinosaur manure


              • #52
                Originally posted by esbo View Post
                Always seemed to me it was the most natural fertiliser but some say there may be
                bacteria or whatever in it.

                I may try an experiment with a few plants.
                If your urine had bacteria in it you'd be quite ill. Our kidneys make sterile pee.

                Sent from my iPod touch using Grow Your Own Forum mobile app

                Vegetable Kingdom blog


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Capsid View Post
                  If your urine had bacteria in it you'd be quite ill. Our kidneys make sterile pee.

                  Sent from my iPod touch using Grow Your Own Forum mobile app
                  Yes, that is not necessarily my opinion, just something someone said when I suggested
                  it elsewhere.
                  Personally I thought it would be fine as it is what happens in a nature.
                  I mean surely it beaks down in the soil anyway.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                    Imagine filling your wheelbarrow with dinosaur manure
                    Would be pretty well rotted by now


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post

                      I've just bought a couple of these plastic watering cans in Morrisons reduced to 50p. They seem an ideal shape for ladies for the collection of liquid gold. Narrow enough to fit where you need it to and with a pouring spout! The Swedish store sell them for about 79p.
                      We use one of these for washing the kids' hair at bath time. I'll never look at it the same way again.


                      • #56
                        Hope it makes you chuckle, redser They're still in use here


                        • #57
                          You should get onto the Swedish crowd and get it rebranded! They can sell it in their gardeing section.


                          • #58
                            I checked to see what its funny name is in the Swedish store - its a Vallo (with circles and double dots over).
                            Had hoped it would be something more appropriate Costs �1 too - that's 20% inflation - must be demand led


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