I Just done the dreaded yearly turfing out of the huge pallet composter. A whole years worth of last years weeds, couch grass, an dead veg remains has turned to black gold an been spread in a thick multch over the squash bed. Each year as I rotate the crop beds, whatever bed is getting squash in it gets the whole previous years compost. I feel like I have been trampled by a heard o elephants but smug an satisfied. Feed the land and it will feed you. 
I had to re-home 5 big slow worms into this years newly started compost. I always leave doing it until the squash get planted out so that I don't disturb them from their winter home. They work wonders in keeping down the crop pests. Look after the land an it will look after you, an give back what you take out.

I had to re-home 5 big slow worms into this years newly started compost. I always leave doing it until the squash get planted out so that I don't disturb them from their winter home. They work wonders in keeping down the crop pests. Look after the land an it will look after you, an give back what you take out.