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Sun Fried Parsnips


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  • Sun Fried Parsnips

    What the hell is going on? Went up to our 2nd plot yesterday, which is on the verge of breaking my spirit and found half the parsnip seedlings all fried in the sun. Gave the survivors a good water and went up today to find pretty much the remainder gone.

    Never have I ever had this happen. The soil is still plenty moist under the surface and it's not like it's been THAT hot, maybe 24 degrees they reckon. Anyone else had any shock heat wave casualties or am I having a bad year(again)?
    Last edited by Shadylane; 23-05-2012, 06:39 PM.

  • #2
    I lost a lettuce seedling but my parsnips survived 42�C in the greenhouse today.
    Tried and Tested...but the results are inconclusive


    Honorary member of the nutters club, by appointment of VeggieChicken


    • #3
      Most of my seedlings are at home and I have been rushing about swapping them about, shading and watering. I am in a sun trap here and is was over 40 in the sun today and yesterday. I've got my patio chairs lined up shading 5 of my tomatoes. I saved some pepper seedlings that were crisping at the edges. It's soul destroying sometimes. You must be gutted about your parsnips especially as they are hard to germinate. I have been collecting cardboard to plant my squashes through and have found it makes good shading. OH is getting out the patio umbrella to provide some shade. Straight from freezing last week (we had the heating on!) to heatwave. Not too late to plant some more parsnips tho. We haven't got much planted out on our new allotment yet. The runner beans are protected by netting - not for the sun but the pigeons etc but is good shading. I'm thinking it's either camping out at the allotment when we finally do get to plant stuff out or net everything. You're right the weather is just awful.
      A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows


      • #4
        A couple of days sunshine and already we're moaning. My parsnips have failed to germinate, so sowing more at the weekend. At least the ground will be warm enough Sorry to hear you lost yours, better get some shade sorted.
        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


        • #5
          Originally posted by dominic10 View Post
          You must be gutted about your parsnips especially as they are hard to germinate. ..... Not too late to plant some more parsnips tho.
          Yeah I was a bit cos they're self saved and actually germinated really well. I'm pre-chitting some more and will sow em when they have tails. Had a google and were lots of threads on here saying not too late in June so I'm feeling more optimistic (ish). These things happen, you just have to try again and try and not let it wear you down.

          Flo - oooh not moaning about weather - it's been a long time coming, just wish it hadn't been such a shock to the system - that's the only thing I can think of, that they went from freezing to boiling in a matter of days. But yes, we learn, next time we get freaky weather changes I'll know to give them some protection. .


          • #6
            Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
            A couple of days sunshine and already we're moaning. My parsnips have failed to germinate, so sowing more at the weekend. At least the ground will be warm enough Sorry to hear you lost yours, better get some shade sorted.
            I make small fortnightly sowings of parsnips as a way of hedging my bets. Mind, you germination has been rather patchy this year and I don't normally have a problem with them.


            • #7
              My sprouts, cauli and calabrese have been frazzled I presume it's too late to sow more brassicas? They were starting to really pick up after their funny looking leaves episode the other week.
              If it comes from a plant, eat it. If it was made in a plant, don't!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Shadylane View Post
                Flo - oooh not moaning about weather - it's been a long time coming, just wish it hadn't been such a shock to the system - that's the only thing I can think of, that they went from freezing to boiling in a matter of days. But yes, we learn, next time we get freaky weather changes I'll know to give them some protection. .
                I think it's the same for us SL, as well as the plants. I do hope it lasts a good while!

                Originally posted by solway cropper View Post
                I make small fortnightly sowings of parsnips as a way of hedging my bets. Mind, you germination has been rather patchy this year and I don't normally have a problem with them.
                I haven't the space to grow as many as that SC, but I am trying again, might try chitting this time.

                Originally posted by Moo's Mum View Post
                My sprouts, cauli and calabrese have been frazzled I presume it's too late to sow more brassicas? They were starting to really pick up after their funny looking leaves episode the other week.
                I've got sprouts that I'm a bit late with (but I have ordered some plants as well), red and green cabbage tiny seedlings and some PSB.
                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Moo's Mum View Post
                  My sprouts, cauli and calabrese have been frazzled I presume it's too late to sow more brassicas? They were starting to really pick up after their funny looking leaves episode the other week.
                  I'd say it depends on the the varieties you grow. I have some cauliflowers that can be sown though may and the same with at least one of the calabrese varieties I grow. If you want to try then I'd recommend starting the seeds off in modules at home so that you can monitor them closely at first.


                  • #10
                    I've just re-sown cauli, calebrese and sprouts. They've got 2 chances eh?! Will go and buy some plants at the weekend just incase I'm too behind.
                    If it comes from a plant, eat it. If it was made in a plant, don't!!


                    • #11
                      My poppy seedlings have all fried too. They're just too small to draw up water fast enough, and so they crisp. Shading is definitely the answer

                      As for brassicas, the slugs ate most of mine, so I've sown some more, but like Flo I'll be looking out for some plug-plants too, particularly summer/white cabbages for coleslaw.


                      • #12
                        I havent been feeling wel the last couple of days so didnt go to the garden. Of course the greenhouse has been shut, no-one has watered, so 12 Green Velvet tomatoes have fried, my big tray of Sweet Williams have fried, and ants have set up home under everything.
                        Your parsnips probably had a shock with the change in weather and weren't prepared for it.


                        • #13
                          Oooh that's carp taff, how infuriating. It's a wonder why we carry on sometimes - must be a sickness


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by taff View Post
                            I havent been feeling wel the last couple of days so didnt go to the garden. Of course the greenhouse has been shut, no-one has watered, so 12 Green Velvet tomatoes have fried, my big tray of Sweet Williams have fried, and ants have set up home under everything.
                            Your parsnips probably had a shock with the change in weather and weren't prepared for it.
                            Gutted for you Taff! Shame nobody could have helped you out. Hope you're better now.

                            Some of my parsnips have fried on the lottie but fortunately I've sewn some back up and they all germinated pretty quick. I was going to plant them out today but I reckoned it was too hot. OH says Saturday is going to be a scorcher so I'm wondering if a little shade for the seedlings might be in order once planted.


                            • #15
                              That's too bad Taff, hope you're feeling better. Plug plants arrived today from Unwins. Healthy little things, so have put in rootrainers. I'm determined the snugs aren't going to get this lot.
                              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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