I haven't used squash for years, as we don't much like it. Cucs and melons are regulars though, so its probably one of those.
Child-free zone, so no laterns (also, raised in Scotland where we used "neeps" as laterns....!
I'm gonna pot a few on (raining again now, so tomorrow) and nurture them and see what happens!
Thank you all for your help, I'm still horibbly over excited about all the things growing in my garden that I've discovered (or harvested!) today.....
Child-free zone, so no laterns (also, raised in Scotland where we used "neeps" as laterns....!
I'm gonna pot a few on (raining again now, so tomorrow) and nurture them and see what happens!
Thank you all for your help, I'm still horibbly over excited about all the things growing in my garden that I've discovered (or harvested!) today.....