This post made me stop off at the lottie on the way to work this morning to quickly broadcast sow some carrots over the ex-garlic bed. Great idea! Hadn't thought of re-using it as it's destined to become a path as I re-jiggle beds, but realised path-making can wait til winter.
There's a couple of references online to beans and alliums not liking each other (Wikipedia and others) but little info why.
The blackened husks that were my broad beans have just about keeled over, and were planted where onions were planted last year. The mangetout and peas are ok but fairly short and unproductive, the Frenchies are fine but still very young and slow growing. However I think the fact it was the onion bed is a coninscidence - I think it's mostly the weather and that I am not apparently very good at growing legumes.
There's a couple of references online to beans and alliums not liking each other (Wikipedia and others) but little info why.
The blackened husks that were my broad beans have just about keeled over, and were planted where onions were planted last year. The mangetout and peas are ok but fairly short and unproductive, the Frenchies are fine but still very young and slow growing. However I think the fact it was the onion bed is a coninscidence - I think it's mostly the weather and that I am not apparently very good at growing legumes.