Im in abit of a quandry about what to do with my little veg beds next!
At the moment I have stuff that needs to come out. Spinach that has gone over, radishes that have very pretty flowers but not much else going for them, red onions that have been flattened by the rain and a couple of red cabbages that have swamped the 3ft x 4ft beds!
The question is do I try to put in another summer crop or go straight to winter ones??
Most things will have to go straight into the beds as I dont have enough room to grow things on and transplant later. I want to try corn salad and perpetual spinach for winter but could I get some turnips or spring onions in before?
(also how late can I grow beetroot as its by far my fav GYO crop!?)

At the moment I have stuff that needs to come out. Spinach that has gone over, radishes that have very pretty flowers but not much else going for them, red onions that have been flattened by the rain and a couple of red cabbages that have swamped the 3ft x 4ft beds!
The question is do I try to put in another summer crop or go straight to winter ones??

Most things will have to go straight into the beds as I dont have enough room to grow things on and transplant later. I want to try corn salad and perpetual spinach for winter but could I get some turnips or spring onions in before?

(also how late can I grow beetroot as its by far my fav GYO crop!?)