Hi everyone,
Just wondering if anyone knows about whether we could have brought blight home with us - in other words, whether the spores can be carried on clothes and shoes. Went to see my parents at the weekend two hours' away and helped mum pick blackcurrants on their plot which had been attacked by blight. Dad hadn't cleared away the dead plants yet. Now our tomatoes are showing signs
We didn't touch any infected plants and cleaned off our shoes with disinfectant before travelling back home and the clothes went straight in the wash but could we have brought it back with us in the car anyway?
Seems a silly question, but if anyone knows the answer, it could help for next time!
Just wondering if anyone knows about whether we could have brought blight home with us - in other words, whether the spores can be carried on clothes and shoes. Went to see my parents at the weekend two hours' away and helped mum pick blackcurrants on their plot which had been attacked by blight. Dad hadn't cleared away the dead plants yet. Now our tomatoes are showing signs

Seems a silly question, but if anyone knows the answer, it could help for next time!