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What will you do different next year?


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  • #76
    More climbing beans; they've done OK, but with only two plants really producing, it's not really enough- especially as my friends like 'em.

    More courgettes; I only planted two, and only one's really doing anything.

    Don't sow carrots so early; the ones sown later overtook the early ones.

    More broad beans; never got enough for a proper meal.

    Don't get so determined to sow straight outside; the transplanted things almost all did ok, but the slugs loved the direct sown seedlings!

    Net, net, net. The birds will have anything that isn't netted, even if they don't actually eat it.
    My spiffy new lottie blog


    • #77
      I won;t put it off, I'll only buy stuff if I am going to plant it, if I only have a few minutes, I'l sow salad, chard, radish seeds on all spare areas. If they don;t grow I am no worse off, if they do I am quids in!


      • #78
        ok *deep breath*

        Have the plot dug over fully over the winter as this year I had a lot of patches of grass/weeds that not only wasted space, were a haven for slugs. Dig in the FYM + seaweed.

        firstly start everything earlier.

        Im going to put my squashes/ sweet corn/pumpkins in the large field where they will have as much space as they like. and perhaps caulis too as they didn't seem to mind the wind too much.

        Grow some purple carrots.

        More Broadies.

        The same amount of tomatoes but a few less beefsteak tomatoes and hopefully some heirloom varieties, love to try some blue ones!

        there was some large Spanish brassica/cabbage? about a few ft high featured somewhere, want to try that!

        less cabbage.. just goes to waste.

        More calbrese/caulis, all bolted this year to the sudden bust of heat.. but would like to try some purple caulis oh and also purple kale!

        Not sowing anything unless I know it will get used by someone, not just sowing because I had the seeds.. (eg lettuce/chilis )

        more Bell Peppers... no hot peppers/chilies, I don't like them and I grew about 12 plants and they went to waste.

        not sure will I bother with aubergines again

        Give climbing beans there own space, they seem to be getting in the corn/squashes, oh and never growing them in containers again.

        more strawberries (cant wait to try the free seeds with this issue!)

        Harvest cucumbers when they are small and not let them go huge and stop the plant producing altogether.

        More Onions/leeks, want to grow some massive onions and red ones too!

        Grow sweet potatoes/artichokes. and maybe start an asparagus bed!

        Mark out designated paths/beds rather then one huge plot.

        oh and try melons too!

        lol im excited already! ;D


        • #79
          Redo paths and try to define beds with edging of wood, to help weeds encroaching !
          Manure/ compost as much as possible over beds, green manure soon on any empty beds
          Invest in some 'veggiemesh' , and clothes as am rubbish at netting stuff
          More Mange tout
          More beetroot
          Remember what didn't grow well under trees at back of plot, onions, spinach, broccoli, plant in new position, try potatoes in this bed.
          Not so many potatoes next year.
          Give up on trying to grow tomatoes of any sort on balcony at home, not worth the effort, herbs only.
          Pay more attention to instructions on seed packets re spacing! Always plant stuff too close.
          Try not to forget to plant seeds!



          • #80
            Bring the rest of the plot into cultivation.

            Keep on top of the remaining nettles, couch grass, bindweed etc etc for the whole year.

            Grow more onions, potatoes, cauliflower and cabbage.

            Grow less peas (too high a faff factor) and less kohl rabi (can't find enough interesting but easy ways of cooking it).

            Persevere with carrots until I find a way of getting a crop.

            Plant a strawberry bed.

            Better planning so that there's something to pick every week from March to October.

            Get more friendly with neighboring plotholders so that we can keep an eye on each other's assets when we're on holiday.
            My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
            Chrysanthemum notes page here.


            • #81
              courgette invasion

              not to grow 12 courgette plants
              Attached Files


              • #82
                Hello and welcome to the vine 'Man in a shed'
                I thought I'd overdone it when all my 5 courgettes germinated and started producing so i don't know what I'd do with 12 of them taking over the garden
                Location....East Midlands.


                • #83
                  Thx Bren, all my friends and family hide from me when they see me walking up their path with a carrier bag full of courgettes, those who said "I love courgettes" in June regret it big time


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