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  • potatoes

    forgive me if this has already been asked but can you grow potatoes from the kind you buy in supermarkets or have they been nuked so growth is impossible?

  • #2
    Hi Licks Parsnips; welcome to the vine. Growing tates from supermarket ones isn't adviseable due to possibility of disease and possible pests. It's always best to use proper seed ones.
    Live each day as if it was your last because one day it will be


    • #3
      Hello ther LP- and welcome to the Vine!!
      As Skeg says, it's best not to , but if you plan to grow them in tubs then you'd probably be OK.
      I understand some shop bought ones are treated with growth retardants to delay sprouting ( but I've never seen this declared on the bags!!)
      Most people will tell you it can be done, but you really need to be aware of spreading disease into your soil.
      Best to pay a little more and be safe!
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • #4
        thankyou for the welcome & the advice


        • #5
          Hi LP, I'm doing an experiment this year _ 2 tubs planted with proper seed potatoes (Charlotte variety) and a tub planted with Organic potatoes from the supermarket (also Charlotte). Figured if they were Organic, they wouldn't be treated with anything. I'm keeping them well away from the other tubs tho, in case of disease, and won't put the spent compost anywhere that veg will be growing, just in case.
          At the moment the supermarket ones are growing away slightly faster than the seed ones. Can't wait to be able to eat either of them!
          Will update on here when I know how they've done.


          • #6
            I planted a single organic nicola potato from the supermarket in a 10l tub. It hadn't shown any leaves at all so tipped it out and it had turned to mush. None of the seed potatoes have done this and they were treated the same. saying that some people on here have planted supermarket spuds with no problems so think it was just bad luck


            • #7
              Most (I'm not saying all) supermarket spuds are treated with a sprout supressant to stop them sprouting . This is applied by the farmer when harvesting .The potatoes are stored in a chill store until required by the supermarket. The supressant stops the potatoes from sprouting when they come out of the cold into the warmth giving the supermarket longer to sell them.
              Would always advise getting certified seed rather than planting potatoes from the supermarket.
              There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore and who always will. Don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it in your future.


              • #8
                Welcome licks Parsnips.


                • #9
                  sarzwix i would be very interested to know how the experiment goes,& again thankyou guys for the kind welcome,any advice is gratefully recieved as im new to this vegetable malarky


                  • #10
                    I've always grown supermarket spuds, mainly because they've already started to sprout in my cupboard before I get round to using them all! I've always grown them in tubs or sacks and have always had a good crop.
                    This year I'm planting Charlotte and Anya.
                    Nestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
                    Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result

                    Forever indebted to Potstubsdustbins


                    • #11
                      I have also planted Anya from supermarket and am watching with interest as they are sprouting well. They are planted in a large tub and have been earthed up three times. With me they have two chances - eiher they grow or not, but the fun is waiting to see what comes up.


                      • #12
                        Yo LP, there's a guy on our lottie who buys 20lb of spuds (probably Maris Piper) from Morrisons every year and puts them in. Every year I buy Maris Piper seeds and put them in. Every year, his crop is as heavy and as good as mine.

                        If it ain't broke, don't fix it and if you ain't going to eat it, don't kill it


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