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Tiddly little onions


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  • Tiddly little onions

    I tried growing some Golden Bear onions from seed this year, due to a bit of a late start, and the summer we've had, they're still tiny. They're probably about 2cm in diameter.

    Are they likey to amount to much, or should I give up on them, and put something in their place?

    Can I do anything with the tiny onions, maybe pop them in with some gherkins I have to pickle? Or could I use them as sets next year?

  • #2
    Can't help with your questions, sorry, apart from saying that you can eat your onions whatever size they are. However to show that you are not the only one with tiddly onions this year:


    • #3
      first of all read the threads that VC posted, secondly pull them up, if they havent grow by now, then theres little chance of them starting to fatten, thirdly - yes pickle them, dont save them to sow next year as they will only run to seed


      • #4
        The others have said it all really, just wanted to add my 'you're not alone' voice. Most of my onions have been a bit pants this year, quite a lot have gone prematurely to seed, and out of those that didn't maybe a third of them have ended up a normal size, a third of them are small-but-usable, and a third of them so small that they're only any good for pickling. Heigh ho. Better luck next year...

        Like Matt said, they're unlikely to grow much more now, although as you're further south than me it might be worth waiting a little bit longer, unless the leaves are falling over already?


        • #5
          Picked some, will be pickling them with some gherkins in just a moment, and have planted a few radish in their place (as they're one of the only catch crops that have grown in a catchy manner for me).


          • #6
            Same variety, same result here - Golden Bear from seed = pickling onions. Mine didn't give me the choice to leave them in - they all packed up shop and dried themselves off two weeks ago! I started mine on time but might have shaded them a bit by growing them with beetroot and also doing the pinch-per-module technique which results in smaller onions anyway.
            Proud member of the Nutters Club.
            Life goal: become Barbara Good.


            • #7
              Can I join the 'teensy weensy onion club' too? Mine are really small, and they say size doesn't matter...

              My favourite animal is steak...

              Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon.


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