Do you spend less time at the plot in winter? Are you put off by bad weather?
Let's face it, a trip down the allotment (or even the end of the garden) always seems more appealing when the sun is shining and the air is warm. And, with fewer crops to tend during the winter months, plus frosts and gales that will challenge even the most experienced gyo-ers, it's not surprising that the colder weather has some veg growers running for the hills!
This month we want to know � are you a fair-weather gardener or a die-hard grower?*

*Please note answers may be edited and published in the November issue of GYO
Let's face it, a trip down the allotment (or even the end of the garden) always seems more appealing when the sun is shining and the air is warm. And, with fewer crops to tend during the winter months, plus frosts and gales that will challenge even the most experienced gyo-ers, it's not surprising that the colder weather has some veg growers running for the hills!
This month we want to know � are you a fair-weather gardener or a die-hard grower?*

*Please note answers may be edited and published in the November issue of GYO