Ello everyone,
I'm Michael & this is my first post round these parts.
I was wondering if anybody could help with an ID for a plant. It was bought from Home Bargains in what I assume was meant to be was a selection of edible plants consisting of chives, parsley & whatever this mystery plant is.
It wasn't doing too well so I planted it in soil and now it's making decent progress, though the slugs have been having a bit of a feast
I'm fairly certain it's edible but I thought I'd double check, so I've attached a photograph in the hope that somebody round here can identify it.
Thanks, I look forward to sticking around.
I'm Michael & this is my first post round these parts.
I was wondering if anybody could help with an ID for a plant. It was bought from Home Bargains in what I assume was meant to be was a selection of edible plants consisting of chives, parsley & whatever this mystery plant is.
It wasn't doing too well so I planted it in soil and now it's making decent progress, though the slugs have been having a bit of a feast
I'm fairly certain it's edible but I thought I'd double check, so I've attached a photograph in the hope that somebody round here can identify it.
Thanks, I look forward to sticking around.
