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Potato varieties 4 pots?


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  • Potato varieties 4 pots?

    Hi another newbie poster here (but not newbie gardener). I've been reading the forum avidly and was interested to read about planting pots in pots for an early (albeit smaller) crop.

    I'm thinking of trying it, we've only ever grown spuds 'conventionally' before, can any one recommend some good container varieties please. Also is there a size of pot that's easy to use (ie movable) but not too small so it gives poor results? I was also thinking of trying to plant some in those plastic stacker boxes (or council recycling boxes ).

    Lastly is it too late? and if not if we planted now when might a crop be expected - ooh and would it be okay to bring them into the garage at night if there was likely to be a frost?

    Woah so much for a first post, sorry!!!
    To see a world in a grain of sand
    And a heaven in a wild flower

  • #2
    Small blue planet. Welcome to the vine.
    Most of us here have not started planting potatoes as of yet. I will be growing in buckets this year for the first time but do not intend to plant up the pots until second week in April. I am hoping that our last Spring frosts here in Cardiff will be over a little sooner than the end of April as the forecasts over the last 20 years have shown little chance of frost after the second week in April and no chance at all after the last week of the month.
    I am using buckets bought from Hyper Value that are 2' wide and 1'6" deep. Each bucket has two rope handles to help carry them when full. I got three for �10.
    You could check when the first and last frosts are in your area via "Garden Action" which can be found at


    • #3
      Thanks Jaxom. Do you need to protect the 'whole' potatoes from frost or just the growing shoots? Would it be okay to cover the 'pots' with fleece?

      Tried the frost map but we're a bit far from any of the towns mentioned - Devizes is just our nearest - it seems to suggest early May as last date (for Bath).
      To see a world in a grain of sand
      And a heaven in a wild flower


      • #4
        Potatoes is a crop that has to be grown before the first Autumn frosts kill of the shoots which are frost tender. Early plantings can be caught by late spring frosts, so protection is needed. Fleece would work for late spring frosts, as they tend not to be as hard as autumn ones. Taking pots into sheds and garages overnight when there is a risk of frost and bringing them out each morning would work well. When growing potatoes in pots you earth up over the shoots as they grow and this will also protect the plants from light spring frosts. In the early stages all potato shoots are under ground in the first few weeks so they should be safe.


        • #5
          Red Rooster in a bucket

          Today I emptied my red rooster from a bucket. I got 4.5 pounds of beautiful potatoes from 1 seed potatoe planted from a supermarket bag in March. I'm delighted. Will be planting many, many more for next year.

          From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


          • #6
            Well done Alice, thats a great return from one potato. Think i'll plant from supermarket as well and see what happens.

            And when your back stops aching,
            And your hands begin to harden.
            You will find yourself a partner,
            In the glory of the garden.

            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


            • #7
              I have grown Pink fir apple in pots this year do you think it is time to up end them yet? - ro


              • #8
                i grew some in a bucket, some in one of those big tugtrug things you get from gardencentres and some in compost bags turned inside out.


                • #9
                  Hi all,

                  I grow my spuds in bags every year due to lack of garden space and have had mixed results. Earthing up is essential to get a really good crop and I have tried many varieties with a few personal favourites popping up every year (Charlotte, rocket & Anya are all superb) but how about trying to get your own Christmas new potato's by planting over the next two to three weeks?

                  I am about to put in a couple of sets of Charlotte and try to time it right by doing another two bags in about three weeks. Keep a watch for the frosts but it is a great challenge to get them ready just in time.

                  I use the black polythene bags from T&M and have found them excellent, only trouble is this year, I have surrounded my small patio with bags and they have all done so well it has covered the whole patio with potato leaves/branches, cannot wait to start the harvest(about three weeks). They come in two sizes and the smaller size for one tuber is ideal for moving around to avoid the frost.

                  Good luck



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