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Best crop this year


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  • #31
    Ironically, I think my most successful crop were parsnips. I didn't get loads of them because I didn't sow loads of them, but every one germinated and produced a perfectly formed (if a bit on the small side) root.
    My Cayenne chillies did quite well but are still ripening very slowly and my carrots did surprisingly well considering I sowed them way too closely together and didn't thin them out as much as I should have done.
    Tried and Tested...but the results are inconclusive


    Honorary member of the nutters club, by appointment of VeggieChicken


    • #32
      My greenhouse crops were the best, toms and chillis (chilli seeds from TwoSheds - thankyou) Outside my beans were a washout though my autumn fruitng raspberries have been fab.


      • #33
        my hurst greenshaft peas were superb. plenty of raspberries (all that wiltshire rain hey scarlet). have high hopes for my leeks as they are leek moth free this yr. courgettes have been great
        my plot march 2013

        hindsight is a wonderful thing but foresight is a whole lot better


        • #34
          Purple sprouting broccoli at the beginning of the year was amazing. Broad beans did well too. Then the bladdy snails arrived and seemed to eat everything I planted.

          Greenhouse tomatoes have been good, if late. Plums terrible, lack of pollination - the dozen I did get tasted good. Strawberries were good.

          Roll on next year.


          • #35
            Originally posted by rustylady View Post
            Plums terrible, lack of pollination - the dozen I did get tasted good.

            You're lucky! I didn't get any plums
            Last edited by Scarlet; 02-10-2012, 07:53 PM. Reason: messed up!


            • #36
              Originally posted by redser View Post
              I had very mixed results in the ground. But great success in pots. Easy peasy. Have you tried pots?
              Not tried pots, step by step instruction please as well as soil mix, feeding and watering regime. I'll give anything a go for carrots - my grandchildren love pulling them up but then can't eat them because of the dreaded 'fly'


              • #37
                Bad bad year for me.

                Main Crop Potatoes came out 4 weeks early (Blight) so were only 1/3 of their predicted size.
                Carrots no thicker than a finger.
                Tomatoes eventually came good but still many green ones.
                Onions were not very big, quite watery, and browned too soon.
                Leeks have failed miserably.
                Lettuces have struggled all year.
                Radishes were good
                Kale is good
                Brussels have failed yet again.
                PSB is non existent.
                Spring Onions had hardly any white bits and lots of roots
                Spinich has done well
                Sweetcorn has done excellent considering its my first time. Two cobs on every plant
                Swede is looking nice but won't know yet.
                Parsnips is looking nice but won't know yet.
                Beetroot isn't up to much.
                Mixed Leaf salad crops were munched on by cabbage white caterpillars seemingly over night.
                Blackberrys were amazing.

                So yea, a very bad year. I don't want to put it down to just the weather as i don't like feeling out of control of something but from what i'm reading everywhere it has been a tough year to grow this year

                Hopefully next year won't be as bad. Starting my onions and garlic next week so a fresh start hopefully.


                • #38
                  Best crop is parsnips, definitely. Bizarrely, this is followed by tomatoes, despite early blight. I cut back all the foliage in the greenhouse and they just took off - I couldn't keep up and made lots of HFW's tomato sauce.

                  Potatoes all got blight, so we had a million 'new potatoes'. Might actually harvest some King Edwards early next year, as they were lovely as new pots!

                  Carrots got rootfly, good and proper. Might try containers, might not. I certainly haven't made plans for them in the allotment beds.

                  Sweetcorn wasn't bad. Small cobs, but tasty.

                  Apples, pears and plums - zilch. A few small apples, but the parakeets got them. Plums rotted in situ.

                  Everything else was mediocre but not terrible.

                  I planted out all my onions over the weekend, so am crossing appendages for next year!


                  • #39
                    Well it's certianly easier to post what went well rather then what went wrong!

                    Courgettes, had a limitless supply from two plants, ate most of them raw in salads, just made a massive jar of pickled ones (which I thought were the last) but they are still growing although be it at a much slower pace.

                    Strawberries, well I had mass amounts of them, however the slugs (and ants) did get to most of them leaving just the alpine ones for myself.

                    Tomatoes, had enough to keep me happy just munching straight off the plant although they gave in to blight recently.

                    I should be adding raspberries to that list but three out of five died I think they drowned.


                    • #40
                      Outside - I'd say overwintered broad beans, still plenty of carrots too.

                      In the poly - cukes, melons and chillies. Toms were pretty good too, but got a bit of blight in the end.
                      Are y'oroight booy?


                      • #41
                        My Best crop this year has been runner beans. I have plenty frozen down for winter use in stews, etc., and still picking a couple of pounds a week.
                        On the tattie front, Wilja, grown in containers were super, but the other varieties were all tops and not much crop.
                        Summer cabbages were a dead loss.
                        Toms have lots of good fruits but slow to ripen. Picking under colour and ripening in the fruit bowl.
                        Its Grand to be Daft...



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