So I have tried 2-3 times to plant shop bought rhubarb crowns with no success. They appear to rot away. I don't know anyone splitting existing crowns so haven't been able to obtain one via another method. I decided not to bother again as crowns are fairly expensive and I could buy a lot of rhubarb from a neighbour's front gate for that. However I was buying onions in the GC today and they had crowns for �1.99, so against my better judgement, I bought another one.
The crown - Champagne variety by Unwins, feels large and firm, seems to be thick stems rather than the ball of roots and dirt I've bought in the past. Is very dry but has two tiny non-withered leaves growing from it (which I took as a good sign as the others in the box had green mould growing on them). I realise it's probably false economy but I've probably spent �10-15 on rhubarb crowns to date so false economy is all I have left!
What I have:
- clay soil, typical stuff, good at water retention and at forming cement-like surface.
- identified site is in the corner of what is currently a wildlife/comfrey bed next to the daleks. Currently housing a courgette (the squash do not respect bed boundaries or allegiances)
- sludgy grass clippings
- fresh grass clippings
- old potato compost (was shop bought bag compost before it was potato compost)
- normal garden compost from dalek
- horse bedding, some well rotted, some still 'fresh' looking
- some basic verve shop bought compost
- BFB and some tomato feed
- a bad back, but I can get down to about a spade's depth for a small area if necessary
To try for the last time (sic) to grow rhubarb, what is the best approach, given when I have available? Should it be on a mound? Just below the surface or a bit deeper? Mulched? Sang to twice a day? Ignored? Obsessively weed free or happy to slum it in my 'wildlife' bed?
I figure if I do this as advised by those in the know here and it still doesn't work, I am simply not meant to grow rhubarb
The crown - Champagne variety by Unwins, feels large and firm, seems to be thick stems rather than the ball of roots and dirt I've bought in the past. Is very dry but has two tiny non-withered leaves growing from it (which I took as a good sign as the others in the box had green mould growing on them). I realise it's probably false economy but I've probably spent �10-15 on rhubarb crowns to date so false economy is all I have left!
What I have:
- clay soil, typical stuff, good at water retention and at forming cement-like surface.
- identified site is in the corner of what is currently a wildlife/comfrey bed next to the daleks. Currently housing a courgette (the squash do not respect bed boundaries or allegiances)
- sludgy grass clippings
- fresh grass clippings
- old potato compost (was shop bought bag compost before it was potato compost)
- normal garden compost from dalek
- horse bedding, some well rotted, some still 'fresh' looking
- some basic verve shop bought compost
- BFB and some tomato feed
- a bad back, but I can get down to about a spade's depth for a small area if necessary
To try for the last time (sic) to grow rhubarb, what is the best approach, given when I have available? Should it be on a mound? Just below the surface or a bit deeper? Mulched? Sang to twice a day? Ignored? Obsessively weed free or happy to slum it in my 'wildlife' bed?
I figure if I do this as advised by those in the know here and it still doesn't work, I am simply not meant to grow rhubarb
