I have searched here but can't find anything to help me identify this squash. It doesn't look like any of the pics of the squash seeds I thought I had planted! It has been prolific - 10 decent sized squashes from one single plant - very much a trailing pant as it took over 3 beds!. Could anyone help identify it? They are mainly dark green but some have a few orange or yellow patches and I wondered if they have been harvested too soon? We pulled up all of the squash plants on the plot as there was an overnight frost and all of the foliage died back and we were worried another frost might affect the fruits......maybe we were too hasty? Any advice or thoughts on what this could be so I can do further research would be gratefully received.
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mystery squash - help please
lokks like a baby pumpkin,the thick stem suggests it is a larger squash,also the trailing habbit,still edible,cut 1 in half and look at the seed developement,if you cut to early then you will tell,plants this year have been like trafic lights,stop,get ready,go,only they just got going when autumn arrived,sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these
Winter squash - the only summer ones I planted were summerball and its definitely not one of those! Off the top of my head (because the list is on my planting calendar at home) we planted: avalon BNS (those I can easily identify!), hasta la pasta spagetti squash (again I know which ones are those), summerball and atlantic giant (again those I have no problem ID'ing). The other types I can't be sure even germinated - some sort of pumpkin I guess but I hope it's meant to be green otherwise I'll kill the OH for being too hasty with the harvest!
got the list of the other seeds I planted! BNS Hunter, Potimaron, crown prince - don't think it looks like any of those!. So sounds like they weren't ripe before the frost so I'll take advice and cut one open and see what the inside looks like. The yellow patches I think might just be from where they were lying on straw (fingers crossed). I'll try leaving them on the front room window sill and see if anything happens! Thanks for all your help.
It looks a bit like one on here
Tondo di Piacenza - try and save some seeds if you like them!You can still eat immature squash though they will not store so well.
Last edited by Jelliebabe; 18-10-2012, 02:53 PM.
Originally posted by phil the shed View Postwas it from self saved seed or an F1, cos we know what can happen when you save a seed
from an F1. any of the parent hosts can reappear..
it does look a little like my seeds of italy? deliciasigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these
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