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my 2012 crop!!!!


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  • my 2012 crop!!!!

    Hi everyone.

    I am a complete novice at growing anything, however
    I thought I�d share some of my �experiences� with you for this year:

    Early March, I sowed 30 chilli seeds � 10 x cayenne, 10 x fairy light and 10 x Hungarian hot wax.

    They all germinated.

    Then around May time, I traded around half of my plants with neighbours and colleagues at work, for some tomato plants and runner bean plants. I ended up with LOADS of runner beans, which I was very pleased with.

    Sadly all the tomato plants died of Blight around mid July � I was gutted because the plants were full of tomatoes! All be it green ones.

    Almost everyone I have spoken too this year has lost their tomato plants to blight. Weather perhaps? I do not know, as I have not grown them before!

    Back to the chillis � The rest of the chilli plants were left to grow in the conservatory. Which does not get a huge deal of direct sunlight. Although this would not have mattered much this year!!!

    Building of a greenhouse is currently �work in progress�. And I cant wait!!!!!!!

    By around June the cayennes were covered in flowers, but I was not harvesting any until around end of July � and they were green not red (fine by me).

    They started turning red beginning of September.

    The fairy lights were considerably slower than the cayennes, but eventually caught up with them. Although only 2 of the fairy light plants have been productive. The other plants either did not fruit at all, or the fruit stayed purple (and I do not like the taste of purple fairy lights)!!!!

    The Hungarian hot wax plants did not grow well. I ended up with around 5 chillis per plant!!!!! However, they were nice and plump and tasty. I will try again next year in greenhouse.

    Around 3 weeks ago, I brought my best 5 plants into the living room and hallway! They are all doing well, and ripening up slowly but surely.
    The others are still in the conservatory slowly perishing!!!!

    Some pics attached, the dates on the pics are correct.

    I also grew rocket and coriander this year, I love coriander!!!!!!!!

    All the best........
    Attached Files

  • #2
    nice harvest i love the colours i usually grow chillies on the window sill but now i have an allotment im going to dedicate one whole green house to chillies next year i just love them
    In the following link you can follow my recent progress on the plot


    • #3
      Nice harvest and well done you!

      My first year of growing I started with chillis (among other things) and have always grown them since!! Very useful and nice to grow!

      Keep up the good work!


      • #4
        thanks guys. Yes chillis have lovely colours. I like growing them because I love indian food. And they are relatively simple to grow.

        I had no pest/disease problems at all this year.

        I am really looking forward to planting next years crop in January.


        • #5
          Well done CG and thank you for sharing. There'll be no stopping you when the greenhouse is in use, you'll be making chilli jam. I grow lots of coriander for my daughter. She says that the fresh stuff is unrivalled in curries.
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • #6
            Nice one and well done. I left some coriander to go to seed (thought it would be useful) and then, erm forgot about it. There's coriander growing everywhere (except where I would want it to grow) now.


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