Hi all!
I still have my onion sets, garlic and rhubarb to plant. (the rhubarb is in sealed bags with either peat or loam thats damp and says 'plant by end jan 2013 - so i'm not so worried about that)
Due to work commitments and the weather being awful when I am free I havnt managed to plant these yet.
Its starting to get a bit late now?
It has rained heavily here this morning - doubt i can do it today.
-3 tonight, and only getting up to 3c tomorrow, should i attempt to get them in tomorrow!?
I could use my compost/manure heap to 'fill in' that doesnt seem to freeze, or would i be better off waiting and hoping/preying fopr nicer weather next weekend/the weekend after!?
Any ones thoughts would be gratefully received.
I still have my onion sets, garlic and rhubarb to plant. (the rhubarb is in sealed bags with either peat or loam thats damp and says 'plant by end jan 2013 - so i'm not so worried about that)
Due to work commitments and the weather being awful when I am free I havnt managed to plant these yet.
Its starting to get a bit late now?
It has rained heavily here this morning - doubt i can do it today.
-3 tonight, and only getting up to 3c tomorrow, should i attempt to get them in tomorrow!?
I could use my compost/manure heap to 'fill in' that doesnt seem to freeze, or would i be better off waiting and hoping/preying fopr nicer weather next weekend/the weekend after!?
Any ones thoughts would be gratefully received.
