You are making an excellent point VC. Most folks who have an interest in developing a hobby do a bit of research beforehand and buy the odd magazine. Anyone doing so with a view to growing vegetables should make sure they buy the magazines with seed giveaways. problem is, the magazines are getting to be so expensive as well.
Note to GYO. ^^^^^^
The other point I would like to make is that it isn't necessary to buy the most expensive seeds. The economy supermarkets in particular have a range of seeds at low prices that will produce a decent yield.
In some parts of the country, it just isn't possible to collect/harvest seed because the growing season is so short and in any event, many of the popular varieties are hybrid strains and are unlikely to come true.
is there an advert on the go just now that goes something like, give a man a fish and he can feed his family but give him a net and he can catch his own fish? It's that mentality that needs to be fostered
Note to GYO. ^^^^^^
The other point I would like to make is that it isn't necessary to buy the most expensive seeds. The economy supermarkets in particular have a range of seeds at low prices that will produce a decent yield.
In some parts of the country, it just isn't possible to collect/harvest seed because the growing season is so short and in any event, many of the popular varieties are hybrid strains and are unlikely to come true.
is there an advert on the go just now that goes something like, give a man a fish and he can feed his family but give him a net and he can catch his own fish? It's that mentality that needs to be fostered