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Problems withmy courgettes


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  • Problems withmy courgettes

    Hi all,
    I sowed 2 types of courgettes this year Defender and bush. They germinated fine, so I repotted them once they had the beginnings of their true leaves showing. I took half a dozen upstairs and left the remainder downstairs to finish maturing before moving them on to new homes.

    And here in lies the problem. The ones that have gone onto the roof terrace/garden are absolutely fine, but the ones that have remained downstairs have all started to look like this:
    My ideas are:
    overwatering? (haven't watered leaves during the day causing scorching)
    overheating/scorched leaves?

    any thoughts or ideas please? Do I need to ditch them or will they be ok?

  • #2
    They're not very happy, are they? The seed leaves (the first two large flat ones) have had it, but the new ones look OK. Maybe they just had a shock on transplanting. Doesn't look as if they're diseased, so you may as well leave them where they are and see if they improve


    • #3
      One of mine had its seed leaves pack up like this. The rest were fine. The plant has now completely recovered. Give them another chance.
      Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


      • #4
        excellent thanks


        • #5
          I don't see too much wrong with them Morty. I'm sure at the end of the day they will be fine. I just wonder how many courgette plants you need. I usually reckon on 1 per person in the house to provide all the courgettes you could want to eat. At this stage I would be inclined to choose the best plants and a spare , concentrate my time and energy on them, and sadly, dispose of the rest. But they're your babies !

          From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


          • #6
   you think I have too many Alice? Spoil sport!! Thank you for your advice.

            Actually, the ones I took up to the balcony are for us. I am giving away/selling the rest tomorrow which is why I wanted to make sure they were OK.
            Last edited by Morty_007; 05-05-2007, 10:11 PM.


            • #7
              That is what happened to some of my chilli seedlings (dorset naga, supposedly the hottest in the world!!!)....but they seem to have carried on growing well. I had presumed it was beng subjected to direct sunlight too early in their lives?


              • #8
                They look like they might have been too cold - maybe a slight air frost? It can't have been much or they would have keeled over and they should recover.
                The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Alice View Post
                  I don't see too much wrong with them Morty. I'm sure at the end of the day they will be fine. I just wonder how many courgette plants you need. I usually reckon on 1 per person in the house to provide all the courgettes you could want to eat. At this stage I would be inclined to choose the best plants and a spare , concentrate my time and energy on them, and sadly, dispose of the rest. But they're your babies !
                  I think I may have overdone it with the plants then I have planted 4 different varieties and have so far got 6 or three different types with the fourth type germinating as we speak. I didnt gte much of a crop last year and hopefully this year will have enough for me and to sell on (I already have people asking when my spuds, tomatoes and courgettes are going to be ready as they tried some last year).


                  • #10
                    I enjoyed your blog spot Kimbo. Looks like you're doing well. I liked your use of the crates. I use them too to get pots and see trays up off the ground.

                    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


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