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Patio veg


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  • Patio veg

    As someone totally new to growing, can someone recommend some varieties of veg (including the name so I can get the seeds/plugs) to grow on the patio. I have patio beans & peas but want something else the kids can grow, mostly to stop them stomping over my new plot!

    Many thanks

  • #2
    It depends a lot on how much space you have at your new place and how old your kids are (mine 4 and 6) and what they like to eat as this keeps them interested. I'm not really a contaner gardener but if it helps....My children have 3 sq metres each at the lottie. at the moment they have: beetroot(bolthardy), climing beans(blue lake), a sunflower(russian giant), the boy has a potato (swift), the girl likes cabbages(golden acre 2), underplanted with nastursiums to keep blackfly away from beans. Mabe for containers try tumbling toms(perhaps a sungold or tom thumb?) Strawberries always popular.

    Obviously they tend to get some plants from my trays but i try and get them to direct sow,weed, water and harvest etc themselves. I've just got them a dustbin for them to grow early nantes. Also they 'help' (which doubles the time things take!!!) and know where to walk without damaging crops. Even at 4 the boy could tell you all they veg and most of the commonweeds that grow there.
    Last edited by Paulottie; 06-05-2007, 09:45 AM.


    • #3
      Thompson & Morgan have a 'mini veg' section. I have bought beetroot, cabbage and carrots from there, and as a relatively novice gardener am surprised, but they are all germinating - cant vouch if they will all turn into veg, but is looking OK just now!!!
      Also have 4 tumbler tomatoes to go in hanging baskets eventually
      I only have a small garden and have chickens, so dont have a great deal of space. Oh yes and I have some strawberry plants on order form t&m too!
      Good luck!
      8 chickens, 1 Whippet and a small garden


      • #4
        Chives do well in a pot and make pretty flowers too. Pak Choi will do well in a well watered container. Germinates and grows very quickly. Sowing to eating about 5 weeks so might be good for the children, and you can just keep repeat sowing.

        From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


        • #5
          what about radish, lettuce, carrots, quite a few herbs, parsley, coriander, basil, tomatoes (tumblers), courgettes. quite a few things really. perhaps you could use a growbag and plant one with different herbs, or one with lettuces or mxed salad leaves, sweetcorn as well in a deep container, happy planting!


          • #6
            Originally posted by mrsc2b View Post
            sweetcorn as well in a deep container, happy planting!
            How deep does the container have to be? I was wondering about this yesterday as the majority of my garden is laid to concrete (don't you just love people who do that!?) and I thought maybe I could do some sweetcorn in growbags, (3) so they'd be 3x3. But after seeing your post now wonder if that would be deep enough for them, would it be better to have a pot per plant and how deep does the pot need to be?



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