Sorry- I'm in Shakespeare mode after yesterday's announcement about Richard III !
I want to grow asparagus again.
Back in the UK we had about 30 plants- 2 varieties of green and one of red.
Thing is- over here they seem only to sell white.
I'm happy to buy the plants in the UK when we pop over later in the Spring- but I'm really not sure about which variety to go for.
One of the green ones we had produced enormously thick spears- and were often bitter and fibrous. Needless to say, I want to avoid bitter!..eew.
Can peeps please recommend which variety is sweet and tender?
I don't need fat ones- just sweet and tender.
The soil in the UK ( if that has a bearing??) was peat,damp and acidic- here it's sandy and dry ( although I can find the base of a slope which is quite damp about 1ft down during the hot summers)
What varieties can you peeps recommend please???? ( preferably one you have eaten??)
I want to grow asparagus again.
Back in the UK we had about 30 plants- 2 varieties of green and one of red.
Thing is- over here they seem only to sell white.
I'm happy to buy the plants in the UK when we pop over later in the Spring- but I'm really not sure about which variety to go for.
One of the green ones we had produced enormously thick spears- and were often bitter and fibrous. Needless to say, I want to avoid bitter!..eew.
Can peeps please recommend which variety is sweet and tender?
I don't need fat ones- just sweet and tender.
The soil in the UK ( if that has a bearing??) was peat,damp and acidic- here it's sandy and dry ( although I can find the base of a slope which is quite damp about 1ft down during the hot summers)
What varieties can you peeps recommend please???? ( preferably one you have eaten??)