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Broad Beans


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  • Broad Beans


    Can anyone tell me why i have had no luck with the one of the two varieties of broad beans i set in November.

    They were both winter setting broad beans, set a few days apart and in the same way. They were both covered over winter and set in beds that i grew potatoes last year.

    They are both brand name seed makers, i do not have the packets at home to give the varieties.

    I have had about five plants appear from one variety and nearly all from the second. I have done a bit of investigating and dug a few of the none showing seeds up, they had started to shoot at least an inch or more and then seem to have just died off.

    I have only had my alottment 10 months, so these are the first winter broad beans i have set and i'm totally baffled.

    from a baffled broad bean grower Lindy

  • #2
    Hi Lindy
    Had a look at Hessayons Veg Expert book for this - obviously can't be definite but could be seed beetle. This beetle tunnels into the seeds of beans (and peas) where it's tiny grub live. The seeds will either not germinate or if they do, will produce weak seedlings.
    If you have any of the seeds left of this variety, have aclose look and see if there is a tiny hole in any of them. If so, then this is the culprit. Unfortunately there is no treatment.

    British by birth
    Scottish by the Grace of God


    • #3
      It is probably down to the bad winter that we have had. Although they are winter broad beans they do not like severe winters and we have had the worst winter for a decade.


      • #4
        Nurture the ones you got coming up & save you're own seed for next year Lindy. It maybe down to the way the seed was stored before you got it.

        Also it could be that as they were germinating we had a real cold spell & this variety is just not as hardy as the other one.
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