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Leggy broadbeans


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  • Leggy broadbeans

    My 3 year old had some broadbeans that we germinated on the windowsill, then finally planted out this week. We had sudden 40mph winds last night and they have been snapped in half and the trellis they were tied to crashing down on all and sundry.

    We are going start again (I stuck some in pots on the windosill again tonight) but wondered if we had done something wrong last time. They were exhibition long someting or other (you don't argue with a 3 year old who likes the picture on the packet!) but they were a foot tall within the month, then we stuck them outside. They were really leggy and didn;t appear very strong. Should I pinch something out this time as they grow etc???

    Sorry total newbie so forgive me if these questions are obvious or pointless!

    No Idea

  • #2
    Hello Noidea and welcome to he vine. No expert here , but no, I don't think you have to pinch anything out. I think the problem has been (apart from the wind - we had it too) they were a foot tall before you put them out. Probably very soft. Broad beans are very tough. You can plant them directly in the ground. I would suggest as soon as they have germinated, put them outside as soon as they germinate to harden off, then get them planted in the ground. The shouldn't need trellis or any such. I just give them a cane at each end of the row with strings tied on for them to lean on if required. Good luck to you and your little gardening son.

    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


    • #3
      That makes sense! We have a wind problem in our garden as it comes up a long high street and causes chaos. The front of the house can be still and quiet whilst it's like a hurricane out the back. Will dig the trellis in again but stick some canes out too in the hope this is the last of the windy weather till autumn.

      Thank you!



      • #4
        Welcome to the vine Noidea and son


        • #5
          Hi and welcome. Alice has it right as usual! Broad beans are very tough and really want to be outside as soon as you see that little rosette of leaves. Then they will grow shorter, thicker and altogether tougher and will withstand the wind better.

          Lots of luck and it's great to see youngsters encouraged.
          Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

 Updated March 9th - Spring


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