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  • Sweetcorn??

    Can I plant sweetcorn along side tomatoes?? I've just found a bit on companion planting that says they can't go together but my own book on companion planting doesn't mention anything. I had planned to put them together in a bed with my squashes.

    Any help gratefully received


  • #2
    Hi Jochapman,

    Welcome to the vine !

    I think it is better to set your sweetcorn in between your squashes . Corn grow pretty tall ( depending on variety ) and your squash go low. It is mentions as 3 sisters method ( if you could add extra beans in between them ). As corn are heavy feeder, it might not be so good idea to be planted too close to tomatoes, both corn and tomatoes need lots of sun, if they are too close to each other they might have to compete in space, nutrient and sunlight. But I am really no expert in companion planting...
    other grapes will give much better solutions.

    Happy planting,
    I grow, I pick, I eat ...


    • #3
      Hi Jo,
      Welcome to the vine,

      I think momol's answer is sensible for sweetcorn. You might also add peas and potatoes to the 3 sisters list.

      According to Bob Flowerdew your toms will do wel with: asparagus??!! sasil,carrots,brassicas,onions and garlic, parsley.

      I grow lettuce basil and parsley around mine- also marigolds to keep pests at bay.


      • #4
        Hi Jo and welcome! There are quite a number of us doing the "three sisters" this year and if you do a search on "three sisters" you will be able to pick up the threads where we have discussed this.
        Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
        ~ Mary Kay Ash


        • #5
          I'm going to try the 3 sisters method, but haven't put anything in the ground yet (still needs a wee bit of clearing! )


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