"After planting, garlic needs a cool, one- to two-month period at temperatures of 0-10°C (32-50°F) for good bulb development"
"On heavy, wet soils garlic is best started off in modules in the autumn, overwintered in a cold frame and planted out in the spring" Garlic / Royal Horticultural Society
I plant mine in modules now, they do much better than if I do them outside in autumn
from the Garlic Farm, IoW: "some spring planting varieties can be planted up to April, but most varieties fair best if planted before December"
"it is better to plant earlier rather than later to ensure the plant experiences the cold weather necessary for the plant to vernalise"
"On heavy, wet soils garlic is best started off in modules in the autumn, overwintered in a cold frame and planted out in the spring" Garlic / Royal Horticultural Society
I plant mine in modules now, they do much better than if I do them outside in autumn
from the Garlic Farm, IoW: "some spring planting varieties can be planted up to April, but most varieties fair best if planted before December"
"it is better to plant earlier rather than later to ensure the plant experiences the cold weather necessary for the plant to vernalise"