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Kitchen seed sowing


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  • Kitchen seed sowing

    With the weather so cold outside, although I know I haven't got it as bad as most of you, I got son no 2 to bring my big bale of compost inside to the kitchen. I just need to plan carefully what to sow and where I will put it once it comes through in case the weather is still cold. I do have the unheated greenhouse, and a fan heater that I don't plan on using, but my kitchen window sill is full of chillies and my light cupboard with tomatoes and chillies.
    Ideas for sowing are beetroot in modules, more spring onions in modules as well, celeriac and cabbage, also some more tomatoes for the heated propagators.
    Of course, I could always put the seed sowing on hold and plan Easter cupcake designs instead
    I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
    Now a little Shrinking Violet.

  • #2
    I say go for it. That's exactly what I did. Sectioned off an area of the kitchen (cats and other half were banned) whilst I sowed tomatoe and chillie seeds. these have gone in heated propagator. I've sown loads of seeds and have about 40 trays with various seeds all germinating in the greenhouse, which is unheated. I do have a thermometer in there and it was a balmy 50 degrees in there the other day, despite it snowing outside.
    If you don't try it and give it a go, you'll never know.

    Happy sowing !


    • #3
      I always sow anything that is going in the heated propogator inside - saves me risking falling over with it on the way back from the shed. I keep a smallish bag / box of compost inside for this purpose and all that sort of stuff is sown in incy little newspaper pots so not much compost is needed. Larger sowings are done in the shed though as I'm too messy and hate having to clear it all up - can make use of the sink in the utility room for the smaller sowings

      Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

      Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


      • #4
        I have done tomato plants,numex twilight chillies and habanero chillies in the kitchen then Trinidad moruga scorpion and ghost chillies in the spare bedroom windowsill....
        Not sure where I will be starting off the

        Currently growing..

        Peter Pepper,Moruga Scorpion,Habanero,Bhut Jolokia(yellow),Numex Twilight,Purple Jalapeno,Big Jim,Papri Paprika,Thai Hybrid,Esplendor,Sweet mini bell pepper and Patio fire chilli...

        Black tomato,Dragons Egg Cucumbers and Charentais Melon


        • #5
          It's getting silly. The house is absolutely full of spindly seedlings that in normal circumstances would be out in the greenhouse, dicing with a light frost.

          And by this time of year, I'd usually feel pretty good about putting the tomatoes and so forth out in the greenhouse during the day. But no chance at the moment.
          Garden Grower
          Twitter: @JacobMHowe


          • #6
            My sweetcorn are in the living room, Dave. Along with toms, peppers, aubergines, haricot, gherkins, many herbs and three cats.... Gonna end in tears.
            Le Sarramea


            • #7
              I have beetroot and oca in the front bedroom, carrots under the kitchen table, goodness only knows what seedlings on the table and my tomatoes have been in the GH since the 14th That will definitely end in tears. Better start some more methinks


              • #8
                Overflowing windowsills here too! Tomatoes, basil, very leggy coriander and sweet peas, chives, more basil, cosmos and sunflowers (yet to poke their heads up). I was hoping I'd have got a lot of this stuff out to the blowaway or cold frame during the days too just to get some extra light, but no chance!
                If it ain't broke...fix it til it is!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by w33blegurl View Post
                  Overflowing windowsills here too! Tomatoes, basil, very leggy coriander and sweet peas, chives, more basil, cosmos and sunflowers (yet to poke their heads up). I was hoping I'd have got a lot of this stuff out to the blowaway or cold frame during the days too just to get some extra light, but no chance!
                  Sweetpeas are hardy, start getting them used to the cold and that will free up a bit of space. Mine have been in the cold greenhouse since they germinated and are fine.

                  Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                  Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Alison View Post
                    Sweetpeas are hardy, start getting them used to the cold and that will free up a bit of space. Mine have been in the cold greenhouse since they germinated and are fine.
                    Thanks for that, you've reminded me to check mine, they've been in a draughty cold frame since October and needed watering after the sun came out today. They're looking okay in their newspaper tubes but I will be looking to set them out soon.
                    Attached Files
                    My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                    Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                    • #11
                      I'm a kitchen gardener! I use one of those garden trays for all my compost and pots and the draining board for everything else.
                      All my seedlings are in my blow away which is positioned in the bay window of the dining room.
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Martin H View Post
                        They're looking okay in their newspaper tubes
                        They are, too.

                        You've controlled the watering really well, and your pots haven't gone mouldy, slimy or grown strange fungi
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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