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Mulching fruit beds in this cold weather


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  • Mulching fruit beds in this cold weather

    Hi - I'm sure I had read a while back to wait till the soil temperature rises before mulching it. But I wonder if it's ok to do it now as it is nearly April and I can see plenty of growth and budding happening. I have horse manure and want to mulch the fruit bushes.
    Last edited by redser; 25-03-2013, 08:33 AM.

  • #2
    I've given my fruit bushes top dressing of manure in the dead of winter before, when the ground was frozen, and I don't think it did them any harm. The manure wasn't very well rotted, and I thought that a bit of residual warmth in the manure would warm up the soil underneath.

    I guess that that opposing view is that you would be 'sealing in' the cold ground with the manure/mulch which would stop it warming up when we finally get some better weather.

    I'd do it - but then, I can be impatient, and would just want to get the job done.


    • #3
      I'm with the opposing view especially as we are likely to have perma frost if this cold spell is maintained


      • #4
        Thanks to both of you. I see nboth sides too, especially like Hazel, the one where you're impatient to get certain chores done Looking like at least another 2 weeks of this weather. I'll ponder some more


        • #5
          as long as you have your mulch close to your fruit bushes, spreading it omce things warm up a bit won't be too much of a chore


          • #6
            <laughing at my typo omce> would sorted it but it tickled me when I saw it


            • #7
              Nutter ^^^^^


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