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Whoop, Whoop, Whoopidy, Whoop!


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  • Whoop, Whoop, Whoopidy, Whoop!

    OK I have no patience so started sowing mid Jan to give the poor little seeds a miserable non-existance in an unheated greenhouse.
    Most of them have fought bravely and managed to germinate to the point where I am potting on.
    I do have one problem though - the 3 pots I thought were dead I left outside the greenhouse door to be interred into the compost bin at a later date - I rescued the labels out of the dogs mouth for re-use a week later - Guess What 2 of the pots are now back in the greenhouse and growing happily (or happier). The only problem is I have no I.D for them - 1 is definately from the pea family, sweet or edible I am not sure as I planted both at the same time and the other is a Brassica (I am so proud of myself that I now know the difference between a Brassica and a broom handle). They will be planted out and I shall wait with anticipation to see what they grow into!
    The moral of this rambling is - arn't seeds and plants truely amazing miracles of life that like the rest of us fight and compromise against all the elements thrown at us.
    My Advice - Go Forth Young Veggers and Plant On.

  • #2
    Would asking the dog be of any use ?
    He might remember which ones he ate.


    • #3
      Hi are right. Nature is your enthusiasm.......I've got some UGBs (Unidentified Growing Brassicas) too!

      Narrowed them down to either Sporuts or PSB or Summer PSB.........I'm potting them on before the others to see how they perform. Still in the greenhouse but I was nearly tempted to start hardening them off today in the sun.....

      I didn't because I was clearing part of my brassica tunnel of horrible creeping buttercup roots......little bast......ds.

      Here's to tomorrow......

      Loving my allotment!


      • #4
        No on the dog front - he's so old he can't remember his name.
        Small surprises in life (like what are they going to be as adults) make life worth living don't they.


        • #5
          Awwwwww I bought a perrenial collection of small plug plants and dropped them all on the floor this morning....... Boooooo no idea what is what now.... Booger! Oh well. Only 72 unidentified plants!
          Last edited by Jelliebabe; 31-03-2013, 11:22 PM.


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