We have decided to try these, having bought some of the James Wong tubers.
Obviously we are due to plant these quite soon, but our ground is still really cold.
I have done a bit of tinterwebby research and pretty much the info I am finding is all about growing them as flowers.
I therefore have a couple of questions...
Can I start these indoors and then transplant them?
When planting, how deep do I go to enable a good size root growth?
Do I "earth up" like potatoes as they develop?
It seemed like an interesting experiment when we decided to have a go at them, but we kinda realised that we haven't a clue what we are doing with these...
All and any help would be gratefully received by myself and KCN
We have decided to try these, having bought some of the James Wong tubers.
Obviously we are due to plant these quite soon, but our ground is still really cold.
I have done a bit of tinterwebby research and pretty much the info I am finding is all about growing them as flowers.
I therefore have a couple of questions...
Can I start these indoors and then transplant them?
When planting, how deep do I go to enable a good size root growth?
Do I "earth up" like potatoes as they develop?
It seemed like an interesting experiment when we decided to have a go at them, but we kinda realised that we haven't a clue what we are doing with these...
All and any help would be gratefully received by myself and KCN