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What fertiliser


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  • What fertiliser

    Hi all what fertiliser do you use for which veg???
    Peas/runner/French beans
    etc etc

  • #2
    Carrots; none. Rich soil makes the roots fork, so I concentrate on the soil texture for those, adding spent compost from anything grown in pots the year before and making sure there's no lumps or stones.

    Onions, I usually add blood, fish and bone at the recommended rate but this year I'm trying a specific onion fertiliser which claims to be organic. Another member (VVG) has had great results from Rockdust on her onion patch.

    Potatoes I usually try and get into a beds that's been manured, but if they're in pots I feed them as though they're tomatoes.

    Brassicas want nitrogen, so they tend to get chicken manure pellets.

    Anything that fruits or flowers wants potash, which you'll find in comfrey or proprietary tomato feeds.


    • #3
      Can't beat that post, clear & concise!


      • #4
        Originally posted by rob39 View Post
        what fertiliser do you use for which veg???
        Ideally, none. You should aim to feed the soil (which garden compost and manures) rather than feed the plants.

        Sarz's post is a good one, should you decide you need to feed your plants.

        Me, I give mine a boost with the same mixture for everything: a 5l water bottle filled with seaweed, comfrey, dandelion & slugs.
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • #5
          I'd agree with TS. Build up the fertility in your soil and the plants will take what they need from it. I also grow a lot of stuff in containers and they generally do need feeding as nutrient levels are more restricted so I use organic fertilizers broadly along the lines mentioned by SarzWix.

          It is all too easy to over fertilize and that can lead to as many problems as underfeeding.


          • #6
            Originally posted by solway cropper View Post
            It is all too easy to over fertilize and that can lead to as many problems as underfeeding.
            Nitrate poisons rivers
            Last edited by Two_Sheds; 10-04-2013, 10:03 AM.
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


            • #7
              One size fits all: Humanure and liquid gold.


              • #8
                I use home made compost myself, I bought fertilizers when I first got my allotment but wasn't really sure what to do with them so never really used them. I managed quite well without them so don't both with them now.


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