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what is the most unusual thing that you have grown


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  • #16
    You probably need some alpaca dung for the full effect


    • #17
      I tried sweet potatoes a few years ago, in a greenhouse border, with mixed results. I thought at the time it was quite an exotic thing to grow, seeing as they're potatoes in name only.

      Also tried okra, again with mixed results; need lots of warmth for that one to thrive.

      And any tomato that isn't traditional red. Weirdest one (I forget the name) was green, with darker green stripes, and a plump sausage shape. This was its fully ripe state. It looked impressive but tasted awful!
      Last edited by Philthy; 14-04-2013, 12:29 AM.


      • #18
        Chia bushes. Never thought of growing them. Had some chia seeds to sprout but they kept going mouldy, so dropped them in the ground and they are awesome! They are protecting some asparagus seedlings and a cape gooseberry as well. They are starting to flower, son is desperate for them to flower and then seed so we can get the whole cycle, but we're facing facts as well and thinking we'll need to plant earlier and protect for a while to get the length of season they need. Great looking plant.

        And I'm about to try growing ginger from a sprouting ginger root - not very optimistic, but who knows!

        My blog:

        Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

        One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

        Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


        • #19
          Dragon egg cucumber. Delicious! this year Im thinking of trying "mouse melons" - anyone tried these?


          • #20
            A pineapple. Didn't get as big as the shop bought variety, but it was deliciously sweet.
            Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
            Endless wonder.


            • #21
              Thanks Planetologist. I didn't even know they could be used for a grain as well as a leaf. About to look over your link, thanks
              Growing vegetables and flowers to share.


              • #22
                I read about dragon egg cucumber the other year and then forgot all about them till you said. Where did you get the seeds? Looking for a small cucumber happy outside that would give packed lunch size cucumbers for kids lunch box snacking can ploy tunnel it at parents but not idea. Have order cucamelon thought it was worth a shot.
                Growing vegetables and flowers to share.


                • #23
                  I managed to get a decent pumpkin last year - ther first time I had ever grown anything like it.

                  I was so proud

                  This year I am trying for asparagus peas, Okra, cucamelons, electric button daisies and loads of different tomato and chilli varieties (I think I have 17 toms and 7 chillis).

         Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


                  • #24
                    This year i'm growing Ulluco.....Wish me luck!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by smallfrog View Post
                      Looking for a small cucumber happy outside that would give packed lunch size cucumbers for kids lunch box snacking.
                      Piccolino varieties are worth a go outside - you get plenty of seeds in the packet if you buy from the franchi range
                      Cucumber 'Piccolo Di Parigi' - Vita Sementi� Italian Seeds - Salad Seeds - Thompson & Morgan


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
                        Piccolino varieties are worth a go outside - you get plenty of seeds in the packet if you buy from the franchi range
                        Cucumber 'Piccolo Di Parigi' - Vita Sementi� Italian Seeds - Salad Seeds - Thompson & Morgan
                        I've sown these for this year, so hopefully they will be worth it...
                        Last year, I grew Venlo Pickling and whilst the size was ideal for the requirements, there was a type of taste off them that wasn't particularly nice...
                        Probably my fault as I grew them outside in that awful summer last year, so will try them again under glass sometime....
                        Last edited by Tripmeup; 22-04-2013, 12:29 PM.
                        I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                        ...utterly nutterly


                        • #27
                          I am trying Dragon egg cucumber this year ,got the seeds off ebay :-)
                          Last edited by Yorkshire.Dave; 22-04-2013, 12:36 PM.

                          Currently growing..

                          Peter Pepper,Moruga Scorpion,Habanero,Bhut Jolokia(yellow),Numex Twilight,Purple Jalapeno,Big Jim,Papri Paprika,Thai Hybrid,Esplendor,Sweet mini bell pepper and Patio fire chilli...

                          Black tomato,Dragons Egg Cucumbers and Charentais Melon


                          • #28
                            salad blue tatties due to arrive tomorrow,they are supposed to have health benefits over normal tatties,so it will be a blue chip fry up and no guilt problems....oooooooooo happy days..


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Tripmeup View Post
                              I've sown these for this year, so hopefully they will be worth it...
                              I grew them last year, taste was lovely though I didn't get huge amounts - I blame that on the weather!!


                              • #30
                                Lychee trees

                                Originally posted by RedThorn View Post
                                Besides my dubious sense of humour? A lychee tree in my previous wanderings
                                Hello, l'm new to This green fingers lark😃 Any tips to grow a lychee tree from the fruit pips? If thats what you call them...cheers!


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