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The spuds are finally in!


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  • #31
    Originally posted by alldigging View Post

    Are they ones that go really fragile and break?
    They're so thin that they all just tear to pieces when you try to seperate the trays... even with all five stacked together they're barely strong enough to hold their shape once filled!


    • #32
      Agreed, I've had a pack of Poundland trays - absolute cr*p. They were taped into packs of 5 - even taking off the tape tore the trays!

      Got some ever-so-slightly more expensive ones from B&M Bargains - windowsill shaped (3x9 cells) which are much, much better.
      "Live like a peasant, eat like a king..."
      Sow it, grow it � Adventures on Plot 10b - my allotment blog.
      I'm also on Twitter.


      • #33
        My spuds went in yesterday - Javelin & Desire. Ground was wet after the rain on Saturday night but not too cold. It was lovely on Saturday morning when I dug the ground over, should've planted them then.


        • #34
          we put our spuds in over 2 weeks ago,charlotte and duke of york into the bins,in 8ins of homemade compost and covered by 3ins of garden loam,which,as i didnt soak them afterwards, acted as an insulator,the compost was nicely moist,so with the then night time temps at about -3 to -5deg watering was not wanted,now its rained and the temps are up we should see some growth in the next couple of weeks,still waiting for the salad blues to arrive,3-5 day delivery well gone now,so just waiting and watching for the delivery man..


          • #35
            No signs of life on any of my potatoes as yet.

            I put some Maris Piper and some Anya into the ground and also into some 20L buckets at the start of March.

            I still have some Bambino, Salad Blue, Constatinople and Pentland Javelin chitting, but the chits are still tiny despite the nice weather

   Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


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