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a few questions about my tomato plants..


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  • a few questions about my tomato plants..

    So this is my first year ever growin tomatoes so I'm a bit of a newbie, the plants shown here area cherry variety called 'Red Robin' and I sowed in Early March (here or there, forgot to note exact date)

    Anyway they are growing steadily, they were originally inseed trays and i pricked them out, the stronger ones into the pots and the weaker/smaller ones about 3/4/5 into a larger shrub container but since then they have all grown on really well. I think they all look healthy? do their leaves look a bit droopy to you? and alo its only the camera that gives them a yellow tinge, they are all nice and green!

    so my firsy question as they are a cherry/busy varity do I need to remove/pinch out any sideshoots.. I have a feeling i should have already done so, not sure which ones?

    Would it be any harm to give them a bit of feeding now at ths stage, they are in one of those argos type greenhouses in my conservatory and are only in a multi-purpose compost which only gives "food" for about 6 weeks..... with regards to watering.. I read on this something about only letting them sit in water and ot watering directly?

    The younger and slightly leggier seedlings are 'beefsteak' and are about a month old, im potting them on today/tomorrow and going to bury the stems a good distance into the compost.. any advice on feeding/removing stems for these ones?

    and while I'm at it I have good, young cucmber plants when to start feeding these guys, they are about 4 weeks,maybe less and have 2 very large true leaves?

    Thank you in advance!
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Nice looking plants.

    Bush vareities do not/should not be pinched out, you only remove side shoots on corden toms.

    As to feeding at this stage a little dose of seaweed of maybe high nitrogen like miracle grow wont hurt.

    True feeding starts when the have set their first truss/fruit when most peeps use tomorite.

    Potty by name Potty by nature.

    By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

    We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

    Aesop 620BC-560BC



    • #3
      Red Robin is a very small bush variety - link here You don't need to pinch out any shoots at all.

      What Potty said about feeding.

      Beefsteak, as far as I know, is not a variety but a type. I would think these are what is known as cordon tomatoes which will need the sideshoots removing. These grow where the leaves join the main stem. They grow quite tall and will need support. Any idea which variety you have?


      • #4
        Ok thats great, thank you for the replies, I'm growing organically and I saw some organic seaweed pellets/concentrates the last day, and illl have a look at some organuc tomato feeds, im also keen to make some comfrey/nettle teas.. although i must source/set comfrey!

        I live right by the beach and every year get a trailer of somewashed up stuff, i spread it over the main outside plot last autumn, its great!

        with regards to the beefsteak, i didnt know they were some type of tomato, just thought they were a variety on the packet is just says tomato with 'beefsteak' in italics which ususally indicates variety i would have though, they are by suffolk herb which is the brand/company i am using this year for all my seeds and I am having great results so far!
        I know its a bit late but im thinking of sewing another varity of tomatoes this week, just regular toms, i think they should be okay and ripen in time Id rather not buy plug plants as they wont be organic, although i could buy a few,raise them organically and then compare I spose!

        Last edited by Irish-Veg; 01-05-2013, 11:49 PM. Reason: spelling


        • #5
          Good on you - I've a few Gardeners Delight and Brandywine coming on - I think you'll soon know as soon as they grow whether they're bush or tall types.
          My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)


          • #6
            Well my "red robin's" have really come on alot in the last week and I think the next lot of growth coming looks like flower heads, (well im hoping anyway, its probably too early and just more growth xD) but im going to the garden centre tomorrow to get some organic tom feed as well as a seaweed tonic or somesort which i can give to boost any of my young plants that need them.

            But the beefsteaks are also growing really fast too, they're taking off much faster then the robins which makes sense though

            I set my last lot of tomatoes yesterday, its very late I know but im going to use the "bad weather so far" escuse so heres shoping I have a crop of cherry/regulatr & beefsteaks


            • #7
              well anyway I found this organic fertaliser yesterday, not sure what it will be like as it was only �2,

              Hygeia Chemicals Ltd|Hygeia Plant Food Range

              Im going to to the big garden centre next week to have a looksie, Im looiking for a more all-purpose general fertalizer/booster.

              Anyway about the "beefsteaks" I attatched a photo of earlier, how do i know when to pinch out sideshoots, should they have been done yet? :s


              • #8
                Originally posted by Irish-Veg View Post

                Anyway about the "beefsteaks" I attatched a photo of earlier, how do i know when to pinch out sideshoots, should they have been done yet? :s
                As soon as you can comfortably get hold of them.


                • #9
                  im sorry for being awkward but are they basically any shoots except the main tall one?


                  • #10
                    Good video guide here for you Irish Tomato Plant Side Shoot Removal - YouTube


                    • #11
                      Ok thanks, appreciated!


                      • #12
                        They will be between the main stem and a branch (which is called a node). Imagine your thumb and forefinger making an L shape and another finger started to grow from the angle point. Thats a sideshoot


                        • #13
                          Ok Ill have a look at mine later and see how I do, they are less then 10cm like so is it best they are done young or wait til they are large like in the video?


                          • #14
                            ahh ive just watched the video now, i think i get it I had it in my mind that it was every shoot bar the main one that was to be removed, glad i asked


                            • #15
                              You can wait if you would feel more comfortable with a bigger shoot but remember energy is being wasted by the plant to grow the side shoots. I get mine off when the biggest is about to hit an inch long and then go round trying to get all of them off, right down the tiny ones. For me personally it gets much harder once they are in their growbags. I always seem to miss one or two that end of growing in to their own main stems. Will try harder this year


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