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Keeping plants healthy while away on holiday


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  • #16
    Originally posted by Paulieb View Post
    To add to the obvious mentioned above I'd say timing is key to the actual holiday.

    Why would you go to the time and effort of growing lots of crops, to then go away for 2 weeks and miss the harvesting period. E.g. if you missed 2 weeks of runners in August, thats a whole lot of sweet fresh beans you're missing out on, plus by not picking the plants will slow down, etc.
    Some of us don't get a choice when we go on holiday. As a school teacher people comment on how much holiday we get, what they don't take into account is that we don't get any choice when. I would love to go away in June or September, when temperatures are a bit cooler, but don't have a choice.

    Living in her own purple world

    Loving gardening, reading, knitting and crochet.


    • #17
      If only it was holidays and I had the choice! Due to a project delay I will be working away from home for almost all of June and July.......not normally a problem in the winter months! So I have "bribed" my step-daughter to bring a friend to stay by the seaside for these 2 months....she knows nothing about plants but I'll leave her instructions hopefully there will still be some cucumbers and tomatoes left for me when I return!


      • #18
        I try to avoid watering anything once ive planted it in the ground unless we are going through a particulary dry patch, so ive no need to worry. Plus my dad comes daily when we are away to check on the chickens so he tends to check the greenhouse at the same time, good old dad.


        • #19
          I use Koubachi for the delicates, and in the old garden we had the automatic watering system, but we've got to put that back in place now we've moved. And if there's a problem Koubachi tells me about, I send a text to my aunty to help out.
          Forgive me for my pages of text.


          • #20
            Everything in pots thoroughly watered (and mulched if appropriate) before I go. As many things as possible moved into the tunnel for the week, to benefit from its automatic watering system. Wet tray in the greenhouse (with capillary matting) filled before we go and door left open (nothing is so tender that a 'cool' night will hurt it). Anything else moved into the shade.

            But I don't risk more than a week......and don't go during the 'cropping' season !
            Last edited by kentvegplot; 20-05-2013, 03:08 PM.
            Growing in the Garden of England


            • #21
              When we come back after the summer I am always amazed at how well everything has done with out my care and just being left to get on with it. Everything is planted in the ground and apart from the weeds that spring up it all thrives and produces very well.
              Updated my blog on 13 January



              • #22
                Out door plants have a good watering before we go so do the toms that are planted in the GH border, the chilli plants are on capillary matting complete with a reservoir to keep it topped up.
                Location....East Midlands.


                • #23
                  We live in the North-West so no problem with water, we get if free and regular from the sky A good weeding directly before and upon return seems to be OK


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