So I dont have a huge greenhouse, just 2 of the "blowaway" greenhouses approx 2mx2m.
I have in total in/around 30 tomato plants, 10 beefsteaks, only around 15cm and only starting so a bit to go before they need to go out. but they are devloping really well
approx 15 'Red Robins' who are just starting to deveop flower buds now. I have the robins in a mix of window boxes/pots, bringing them in at night.
1 Tumblr in flower now
which in final position. a tornado flowering now.
2 Gardener's Delight
ready to be mobved into final position.
1 Shirley
A Sun baby, ready to be moved into final position.
an Alisa Craig ready to be moved into final position.
I also have about 6 cucumbers that need to be moved into final positions.
Even though some are outdoor varieties, ill keep them in the GH as by the coast are summers are often more like winters.
will mayonaise buckets as pictured be big enough for the tomato plants?
or I had another idea of splitting these bags of mp compost into 2 like pother people have done, they are only �1 each from lidl so they are great value, would they need extra feeding/fertaliser to make them "growbags" oorrr?
Am I correct in saying tomatoes are self-pollinating..?
I have in total in/around 30 tomato plants, 10 beefsteaks, only around 15cm and only starting so a bit to go before they need to go out. but they are devloping really well
approx 15 'Red Robins' who are just starting to deveop flower buds now. I have the robins in a mix of window boxes/pots, bringing them in at night.
1 Tumblr in flower now

2 Gardener's Delight
ready to be mobved into final position.
1 Shirley
A Sun baby, ready to be moved into final position.
an Alisa Craig ready to be moved into final position.
I also have about 6 cucumbers that need to be moved into final positions.
Even though some are outdoor varieties, ill keep them in the GH as by the coast are summers are often more like winters.
will mayonaise buckets as pictured be big enough for the tomato plants?
or I had another idea of splitting these bags of mp compost into 2 like pother people have done, they are only �1 each from lidl so they are great value, would they need extra feeding/fertaliser to make them "growbags" oorrr?
Am I correct in saying tomatoes are self-pollinating..?