Hi everyone,
How big should beetroot grown in modules be before planting out? I tried planting out some this morning, it was about 1" tall, two or three shoots per module. It didn't feel right though, the soil in the modules disintegrated when i popped them out, leaving very floppy and unhappy looking seedlings lolling about with hardly any real roots. I planted half of them like this and then decided to leave the others to grow on in the modules... was it too soon? And is there any real point starting beetroot in modules rather than sowing direct?
How big should beetroot grown in modules be before planting out? I tried planting out some this morning, it was about 1" tall, two or three shoots per module. It didn't feel right though, the soil in the modules disintegrated when i popped them out, leaving very floppy and unhappy looking seedlings lolling about with hardly any real roots. I planted half of them like this and then decided to leave the others to grow on in the modules... was it too soon? And is there any real point starting beetroot in modules rather than sowing direct?