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Too late to plant potatoes?


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  • Too late to plant potatoes?

    Just found some from last year in the garage/shed they are all chitted or whatever ie already have a lot of root no them.

    I guess I better put them in some where rather than throw them away.

    Even if they do not het very big they could be my seeds for next year.

    These are from last year, besically the ones I forgot about because they were too small
    to bother peeling.

    I already have some in, about 6 inches high looking very healthy nice bright green, almost radiative looking.

    Then I have a few more I planted later the first of which is just poking through the soil.

    I don't have much space though. So I will have to cut back on the tomato plants I have (I have to many of them anyway and didn't have much luck with them last year growing out doors - apart from the cherry toms).

  • #2
    Never to late to plant tatties. planted my earlies and main crop just last week. Planning on planting some earlies in Sept for xmas


    • #3
      I planted some forgotten potatoes pretty late last year in a tub. Got a meal off them, so worth it, I recon.


      • #4
        If you have the space, probably worth it, but if you don't, no point putting yourself under pressure just for the sake of putting them in...
        I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

        ...utterly nutterly


        • #5
          I've got loads left and am going to get my schools to put them in their polytunnels when they are back after half term.


          • #6
            Originally posted by rob39 View Post
            Never to late to plant tatties. planted my earlies and main crop just last week. Planning on planting some earlies in Sept for xmas
            I don't really under stand all this earlies lates and whatever business.
            Hard to find the info too, it's ridiculous when you do to a site telling you how
            to plant potatoes and the start banging on about all the at immediately because
            it only make sense to people who who would not need the site in the first place.

            I have yet to find a site or person which can give an adequate explanation.

            It's really annoy as I must have visited a dozen or more guides and none give an
            adequate explanation, ie one that can be understood by someone who does not
            already know what you are talking about.
            Last edited by esbo; 25-05-2013, 11:31 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Tripmeup View Post
              If you have the space, probably worth it, but if you don't, no point putting yourself under pressure just for the sake of putting them in...
              I have a bit of space but it means less of other things, but they probably won't turn out too good anyway.
              I put a few in earlier (3 lol). Might be able to get another 6 in later. At least I know I should get something from then.


              • #8
                Originally posted by esbo View Post
                I don't really under stand all this earlies lates and whatever business.
                Potato varieties are catagorised depending on how long they need to be in the ground. Earlies are ready to harvest in the shortest time, then second earlies, main crop etc.
                Last edited by Dotty Sarah; 25-05-2013, 11:40 PM.


                • #9
                  Basically, all potatoes are planted at the same time. Earlies are ready to dig earlier than second earlies, followed by Maincrop potatoes. It sounds complicated but it isn't. If you plant some of each, you spread your harvesting period. Those of us without much space, may grow only Earlies as Maincrop are in the ground for a longer time.


                  • #10
                    Snap Dotty Sarah


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by esbo View Post
                      I don't really under stand all this earlies lates and whatever business.
                      Hard to find the info too, it's ridiculous when you do to a site telling you how
                      to plant potatoes and the start banging on about all the at immediately because
                      it only make sense to people who who would not need the site in the first place.

                      I have yet to find a site or person which can give an adequate explanation.

                      It's really annoy as I must have visited a dozen or more guides and none give an
                      adequate explanation, ie one that can be understood by someone who does not
                      already know what you are talking about.
                      Try visiting the right guides, might help

                      Growing potatoes - factsheet


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
                        Try visiting the right guides, might help

                        Growing potatoes - factsheet
                        So when I should plant mine?

                        I don't know what they are. I amd pretty sure thing about early late or whatever was on the packet.
                        Last edited by esbo; 26-05-2013, 12:47 AM.


                        • #13
                          So one site says

                          Earlies: Plant mid-March to the end of May.
                          So I should be fine if they are early.

                          But is is all a bit confusing what happens if lates are planted early and earlies late.

                          Surely all I need to know is how long they take to produce potatoes?


                          • #14
                            SO I do not know what I have I bought some from the pound shop or and sainsburys I think is that any help?


                            • #15
                              I mean I'm pretty sure there was nothing on the bag apart form king edward or morris piper or whatever, could be wrong but I think I would have noticed if there were.


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