Just found some from last year in the garage/shed they are all chitted or whatever ie already have a lot of root no them.
I guess I better put them in some where rather than throw them away.
Even if they do not het very big they could be my seeds for next year.
These are from last year, besically the ones I forgot about because they were too small
to bother peeling.
I already have some in, about 6 inches high looking very healthy nice bright green, almost radiative looking.
Then I have a few more I planted later the first of which is just poking through the soil.
I don't have much space though. So I will have to cut back on the tomato plants I have (I have to many of them anyway and didn't have much luck with them last year growing out doors - apart from the cherry toms).
I guess I better put them in some where rather than throw them away.
Even if they do not het very big they could be my seeds for next year.
These are from last year, besically the ones I forgot about because they were too small
to bother peeling.
I already have some in, about 6 inches high looking very healthy nice bright green, almost radiative looking.
Then I have a few more I planted later the first of which is just poking through the soil.
I don't have much space though. So I will have to cut back on the tomato plants I have (I have to many of them anyway and didn't have much luck with them last year growing out doors - apart from the cherry toms).