The squash will trail on out over the beds, I'm guessing kathyd. 1m^2 is too small to train 4 squash into a circle, IMO.
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Sweetcorn - Incredible F1 -Spacing...
Originally posted by chris View PostThe squash will trail on out over the beds, I'm guessing kathyd. 1m^2 is too small to train 4 squash into a circle, IMO.. But it wasn't the space I was curious about really, just the idea of so many hungry plants in such a small area - can a sq m support 4 squashes? Presumably you'd have to feed them a lot? Only asking 'cos I might try squeezing mine in a bit closer when they're ready to plant out..
sigpicGardening in France rocks!
I have no idea ^_^ and like it. I tend to plug things in, to see what happens. I fancied a 2/3 sisters experiment with squashes and sweetcorn.
In a raised bed, and being squash bedfellows, probably will need a lot of feeding. The bed was already filled with decaying matter.
I have never grown these, so am learning as I go ^_^
I have f1 incredible corn here's how I have planted
All worked out by guesstimateIn the following link you can follow my recent progress on the plot
My experience with sweetcorn is to plant in full sun or nothing. I had a go a couple of years ago, forget the variety, Lark maybe. Anyway, I had them in the recommended block formation, 3x3. But in partial shade for part of the afternoon. They didn't appreciate that. None got big enough to form a cob
For squash though, I'd have to recommend Gem. A heap of fresh manure, perfect. Just throw on a few seeds. In 2007, last decent summer in my recollection, I had a single plant achieve at least 3m sq, and yield 50 or so cannon ball sized fruits.
Revisiting this as my sweet corn have just started producing the grain on top things how is everyone else's fairing upIn the following link you can follow my recent progress on the plot
Jesus yours are early, even the biggest ones on our site are barely 3ft tall at the moment!
How tall is yours now?
Haha about 3 footIn the following link you can follow my recent progress on the plot
weird, I never normally see those until its getting on for full height at 5-6ft, maybe its just the variety I use.
Originally posted by Jamesy_uk View Postweird, I never normally see those until its getting on for full height at 5-6ft, maybe its just the variety I use.In the following link you can follow my recent progress on the plot
Hi GrimChili,
We have a 900 feet of corn and are surrounded by hundreds of acres of corn. Standard placement is 8" apart, although we may put them a little closer. Corn needs to "shake hands" as they say, so that the pollen can do its job. We put the rows 36" apart. I have always read that if you have a small quantity of corn, you should put it in a block to encourage the pollination. Hey, good luck! Incredible is very popular here! (western New York state, US)
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