Does anyone have suggestions of root veg that can be started now?
Carrots that I had growing over winter have bolted, and pulling them up they also have very pathetic roots. Quite disappointed, but guess this really wasn't the winter/spring for them?
So I now have a deep planter that needs filling...I already have a second batch of spring-sown carrots on the go, removed acouple to thin them out some more and they're looking really good so all is not lost on the carrot front.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
Carrots that I had growing over winter have bolted, and pulling them up they also have very pathetic roots. Quite disappointed, but guess this really wasn't the winter/spring for them?
So I now have a deep planter that needs filling...I already have a second batch of spring-sown carrots on the go, removed acouple to thin them out some more and they're looking really good so all is not lost on the carrot front.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!