So there I was on Friday, turning up nice and early to the lottie for the third visit this year...and what did I see but a cute l'il Bugs Bunny, sitting on the grass. I'm not sure which of us was more caught on the hop...
Needless to say, it did make off (heaving the dog over the dyke at it probably helped the decision), but it had not been content with just grass. Nor even the last of the carrots, to which it would be welcome, as they are about to flower.
No, it had chomped on my Pak Choi, and the mysterious disappearance of some of my Scarlet Emperor Runner Beans is I think now explained.
My question is this: which plants will a rabbit go for first at the allotment ? I only have a very limited amount of rabbit netting, and far too much ground to cover, so I am wondering what to protect first, and what might be safe.
Currently I have rasps, currants and brambles; J.A.'s galore, tatties (I'm not worried about them), salsify, Pak Choi Green Revolution, lettuce, Brussel sprouts, cabbages, kale, broccoli, strawberries, Ishikura, leeks, garlic, shallots, tree onions, and beans - Sutton, Scarlet Emperor, Slenderette, Teenie Beanie (Rotbluhende?) and Blue Lake, with Aquadulce Claudia to come. I've only just planted all the beans, I am now panicking in case they all disappear before I can get back on Wednesday with netting - my allotment's an hour's travel away !

Needless to say, it did make off (heaving the dog over the dyke at it probably helped the decision), but it had not been content with just grass. Nor even the last of the carrots, to which it would be welcome, as they are about to flower.
No, it had chomped on my Pak Choi, and the mysterious disappearance of some of my Scarlet Emperor Runner Beans is I think now explained.

My question is this: which plants will a rabbit go for first at the allotment ? I only have a very limited amount of rabbit netting, and far too much ground to cover, so I am wondering what to protect first, and what might be safe.
Currently I have rasps, currants and brambles; J.A.'s galore, tatties (I'm not worried about them), salsify, Pak Choi Green Revolution, lettuce, Brussel sprouts, cabbages, kale, broccoli, strawberries, Ishikura, leeks, garlic, shallots, tree onions, and beans - Sutton, Scarlet Emperor, Slenderette, Teenie Beanie (Rotbluhende?) and Blue Lake, with Aquadulce Claudia to come. I've only just planted all the beans, I am now panicking in case they all disappear before I can get back on Wednesday with netting - my allotment's an hour's travel away !
