S'what I said a couple of weeks after planting my Yellow Cherry tomatoes into their final positions (Three - each in bottomless flower buckets of garden centre compost, inserted into a standard grow bag). The plants were grown from seeds from ONE yellow cherry tomato that I bought as part of a "Fancy-Tomato-Salad-Combo" from Tezzies.
They are all doing splendidly, putting on lots of growth and plenty of flowers, but one of them has distinctly different leaves from the other two - looking much more like potato leaves than tomato! All my other saved seed plants are looking "tomato-y". They all get the same feeding/watering regime. Any ideas? I'm not that bothered, just curious...
They are all doing splendidly, putting on lots of growth and plenty of flowers, but one of them has distinctly different leaves from the other two - looking much more like potato leaves than tomato! All my other saved seed plants are looking "tomato-y". They all get the same feeding/watering regime. Any ideas? I'm not that bothered, just curious...