I've grown red onions for the past 2 years from sets, some planted in the autumn and some in the spring. So far, the autumn ones win hands down - much bigger, less likely to bolt. However, I've probably just been lucky - I think we've had milder winters than you (although rubbish spring and still waiting for summer to arrive!). Next year I'm seriously thinking of growing some under a cloche - the few that I had in the polytunnel last year did really well, didn't bolt and are already pulled and drying. The outdoor spring ones are still small and most have bolted. *sigh *. KG - if they start to develop flower buds on top, you can nip the buds off and leave the onions in the ground to mature. They don't keep as long, but you can still eat them. Hang on in there! I'm going to have to investigate potato onions now too! This forum has a lot to answer for! I wonder if anyone could despatch some seeds to the French seed swop... hmmm
