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What are the easiest vegetables to grow?


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  • #16
    Originally posted by alldigging View Post
    Broad beans and rhubarb. Although someone told me they managed to kill rhubarb recently.

    After that it takes a bit of effort to deslug things.

    Strawberries are effortless if you don't mind birds and slugs eating them all.

    Lettuce and peas probably next.
    If we're including fruit, autumn raspberries. The only difficulty is stopping them taking over the entire garden.
    Tour of my back garden mini-orchard.


    • #17
      Excluding chicken attacks along my sister and her baby (removing every carrot then replanting them "to check if they are ready" and randomly transplanting plants), I've not had any real trouble growing anything yet. I can't say I've grown anything too exotic or duped as hard to grow and by real trouble I mean killed a whole patch of them or had nothing harvest-able.

      Easiest by far has to be lettuce followed by kale and oriental greens.


      • #18
        Originally posted by mesteve View Post
        Strange but I quite like weeding. Anyone else ?
        Oh yes I too quite like weeding, especially in the veg patch, all straight rows. It can be quite mind numbing, leaving the brain to background process.

        Easiest veg to grow for me is swiss chard.


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