I seem to have a problem with mushrooms today - I've bought 4lbs of them
There was a man in Tosserco, a customer, who said as I passed him - "Have some mushrooms - only 20p" and put a bag of them in my trolley, then another bag, and another, until I ended up with 4 bags - he had about 6 - and between us, we had cleared out the whole bargain offer display
I saw him later in another aisle and he said "I could tell you wouldn't take much persuading". Am I that obvious
Mushroom risotto anyone - before I'm readmitted with the other Fun-guys

There was a man in Tosserco, a customer, who said as I passed him - "Have some mushrooms - only 20p" and put a bag of them in my trolley, then another bag, and another, until I ended up with 4 bags - he had about 6 - and between us, we had cleared out the whole bargain offer display

I saw him later in another aisle and he said "I could tell you wouldn't take much persuading". Am I that obvious

Mushroom risotto anyone - before I'm readmitted with the other Fun-guys
