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Has anyone here grown Pigeon Peas (Cajanus cajan) in the UK?


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  • Has anyone here grown Pigeon Peas (Cajanus cajan) in the UK?

    Apparantly, it can be grown as an annual in cooler climates, and produces loads

    Growing Pigeon Peas, An Incredibly Versatile Permaculture Plant


    Pigeon pea would have to be one of the most versatile permaculture plants.

    I started growing this legume shrub in my garden because it improves soil fertility by fixing atmospheric nitrogen.

    But I soon discovered that pigeon pea has many more uses:

    �It's a staple food crop that provides good protein. You can use the green peas like fresh peas, and the dried peas like any other dried peas, beans or lentils. (In India they are actually one of the most popular pulses. Dhal is made from pigeon peas.) The peas can also be sprouted to make them even more nutritious, and they can be ground into flour.

    �Leaves, flowers, seed pods and seed all make nutitious animal fodder. My chickens love the peas.

    �The flowers attract bees.

    �Pigeon peas can be frequently pruned for mulch.

    �Every time you prune them (and also when the plant dies) the root nodules release nitrogen that can be used by other plants.

    �Their open canopy shelters young, delicate plants, but lets enough light through for things to grow underneath.

    �A hedge makes a good windbreak.

    �Once established they self seed prolifically. Cut down the ones you don't really want and use as mulch. Leave the ones that grow in the right spots.

    �They can make a living trellis for climbers.

    �They have a very deep tap root that is able to break through hard pans and improve the soil structure. It also brings nutrients from the subsoil to the surface.

    �Apparently the wood makes really good firewood. (I haven't tried that. A reader told me about it.) No, you don't get huge logs for heating, just sticks, but they are great to make small, very hot fires, say for cooking.

  • #2
    This plant requires a minimum of 365 frost free days to grow successfully

    That'll be a no then

    Cajanus cajan - Pigeonpea

    The preferred range is between 18� C and 29� C. That's a very short season in the UK

    Some varieties are frost tolerant.

    Ah, that's worth looking out for then, if you really want it
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3
      Why do people keep wanting to grow things in Britain that are totally unsuited to our climate. Most members of the legume family that are happy here will do all the things on that list, except perhaps make small hot fires for cooking. But are there really people over here who do their cooking on fires of twigs?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
        This plant requires a minimum of 365 frost free days to grow successfully

        That'll be a no then

        Cajanus cajan - Pigeonpea

        The preferred range is between 18� C and 29� C. That's a very short season in the UK

        Some varieties are frost tolerant.

        Ah, that's worth looking out for then, if you really want it
        Cajanus cajan

        It is a short-day plant. Gooding (1962) reported two groups of plants in Trinidad one group spans 60 to 106 days in the time taken from sowing to podding, the other up to 237 days. It flowers over about two months as days become shorter, and has flowers and ripe pods on the plant at the same time. It flowers in 98 days in the Kimberley district in northern Australia (lat. 15�S) with pods maturing in 178 days. It flowers in eight months in the Bombay district in India (lat. 20�N). Too much shading causes the plant to make spindly growth and to bear thin, pale green foliage and few pods (Krause, 1932). The growing period lasts from 60 to 235 days, depending on cultivar and latitude.


        Cajanus cajan is very heat-tolerant. Prefers hot moist conditions. Under Hawaiian conditions grows between 18 and 30�C. Will grow at temperatures above 35�C under adequate soil conditions of moisture and fertility. Does not tolerate frost, but will grow in temperatures to just above frost level. Will seed as a perennial at 1840 m down to a minimum night temperature of 10�C (Krause, 1932). Subject to frost damage (Schofield, 1945). Tall plants may escape light frosts because of the height of the foliage.


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