Ok, at risk of joining the ranks of "The Its-Not-Ripening-Quick-Enough-For-
Me Club", I have to ask....
This year, my Peppers (Californian Wonder and a mini sweet pepper from seed saved from a selection from Tezzi's) are doing SUPERBLY! Massive bushy plants, with- more importantly - PEPPERS ON THEM!!!!!
. Have not done an official "head-count", but anything is better than last years "Pepper Debacle" when the few miserable specimens that did put in an appearance were promptly eaten by hoards of ravening slugs wearing Viking helmets.
Anyway, I digress... Having spotted at least half a dozen peppers that seem to be even larger than your average supermarket beastie, I was trying to remember how long it takes for them to ripen? (Yes, it's been THAT long since a home-grown pepper came even close to making it to my plate) Should I remove any of the lush, glossy leaves from the plant to let the light get to them? I have heard that removing the first pepper early encourages more to set and ripen, but am afraid of upsetting the status quo. Besides, though I am a BIG fan of a fully ripened pepper, I look upon green ones as the food of the very devil. The DEVIL, I tell you!!..
A'hem. Sorry. Can only put the above down to excitement at the prospect of my harvest this year! Suggestions?...Anyone?.....Hello????
Me Club", I have to ask....
This year, my Peppers (Californian Wonder and a mini sweet pepper from seed saved from a selection from Tezzi's) are doing SUPERBLY! Massive bushy plants, with- more importantly - PEPPERS ON THEM!!!!!

Anyway, I digress... Having spotted at least half a dozen peppers that seem to be even larger than your average supermarket beastie, I was trying to remember how long it takes for them to ripen? (Yes, it's been THAT long since a home-grown pepper came even close to making it to my plate) Should I remove any of the lush, glossy leaves from the plant to let the light get to them? I have heard that removing the first pepper early encourages more to set and ripen, but am afraid of upsetting the status quo. Besides, though I am a BIG fan of a fully ripened pepper, I look upon green ones as the food of the very devil. The DEVIL, I tell you!!..
A'hem. Sorry. Can only put the above down to excitement at the prospect of my harvest this year! Suggestions?...Anyone?.....Hello????