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Brussels... been eaten!


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  • Brussels... been eaten!

    First timer here - I have grown some 'purple' brussel sprouts from seeds and planted them out. Unfortunately a few of them have been eaten I have now protected the others from birds and slugs (hopefully).

    Does anyone know if the 'eaten' plants will recover? They are real baby plants (only a few inches tall).

    Many thanks
    Jan A novice gardener - first year of growing

  • #2
    I've had the same problem, look forward to seeing the replies.
    covered everything with mesh now to keep them off.


    • #3
      if they tops have compeltely gone and there is just a little stump left like some of mine then no. if they leaves have gone but not the growing point..maybe.


      • #4
        Thanks... too dark to go and inspect now

        Think I have only stumps left Never mind - such a small plot! First time of growing and it was all done in a hurry, I'll be better prepared for next year!

        I shall keep them in place, for that just in case (and nothing to go in its place now)... so shall let you know if it survives.

        Jan A novice gardener - first year of growing


        • #5
          Helo Witch - 1 and welcome to the Vine. As others have said it does depend how much has ben eaten. If it's only a few leaves they should be allright. If they've been gobbled down to stumps the I think they've had it. Do take precautions against birds (nets) and slugs - that one up to yourself. Good luck with the project.

          From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


          • #6
            HELLO WITCH-1, welcome to the forum im new myself, and have found it really useful, have solved a few problems already.


            • #7
              Thanks for the welcome... I'm sure I'll be posting lots more on here! Just decided on a veg patch beginning of March - its very small and as novices we didn't realise you don't use the whole of the seed packet!!

              Next year we'll be better prepared... but my spuds are looking healthy above the ground! Not sure about below.

              Jan A novice gardener - first year of growing


              • #8
                Hi witch-1 and welcome. I've some spare purple Brussels seed if you want to try again. You've probably still got time.

                Bright Blessings

                If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


                • #9
                  Hello Witch1 + Kate and Rob. Welcome to the Vine. I'm sorry about the snail dammage. You will find that many creatures like brassicas as well as you. you will need to invest in some flleece or mesh and pehaps leave a lid or two of slug pellets near your plants. Sow some more now there will be time- I always start them in modules- it is good that you are thinking of a winter crop, The next thing that will want to eat them is the catapillars. Look for the eggs regularly as this is the best time to get them. Good luck to you all.
                  Last edited by Paulottie; 22-05-2007, 07:04 AM.


                  • #10
                    Hi Jan, Hi Kate + Rob!

                    I cant really add much to what the others have alreadys advised, except you may wish to try some organic slug pellets, bad news for slugs, but friendly for other wildlife, and possibly also try covering your brassica seedlings with bottle cloches (2l plastic pop bottles do a good job), but I did want to wish you all a very warm welcome to the vine!
                    Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

                    'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

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                    • #11
                      Hi Witch - I'm very new myself and wish you the best of luck with your plot. I used bottle cloches (advice of an 'older' gardener in my local!) and they did the trick. Just cut a 2l plastic water bottle in half and stick it over your seedling. (Those with more experience than me will probably have better advice to offer, listen to them rather than me!) Now my caulis and broccoli have five or six leaves each I've taken the bottles off and the slugs are leaving them well alone.
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