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holy moly!! (parsnip seeds)


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  • holy moly!! (parsnip seeds)

    we bought a house with some land last year and knkew we would be in the house til this year with all the renovation that needed doing in it, but we still decided to plant a load of parsnip seeing as you can get meat cheaper than parsnips in france when it is on offer? 2.99� a kilo of parsnips! so we thought , save a bit of cash plant some snips,

    anyways,,,,,,,, we let quite a few go to seed, i watched a few youtube vids for seed saving info, wait til they are brown, cut them off at stem, hang upside down in pillow case and gently bash every now and then, but i didnt use a pillow case i used a baby bath with a makeshift lid with air holes, we now have a big brown envelope full of parsnip seeds, how do i know how many i have please? i must have thousands and thousands, oh, yeh, all this story was just to say : holy moly! you get a lot of seeds if you save them yourself! i have just saved some lettuce seeds that self germinated out of nowhere????? previous owners of house died 4 years ago? so i thought they must be hardy! i will save those seeds! just waiting for the radish pods to brown up now!!

  • #2
    Originally posted by bretty666 View Post
    how do i know how many i have please?
    Er, why do you need to know how many you have?
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3
      How many? - thousands and thousands.

      Welcome to my world, I have parsnip, beetroot, parsley, peas all being saved now

      Beans [about 30 varieties], toms [goodness knows how many], cucumbers [a very messy job] all to come.

      Plus all the other stuff that I've forgotten about...Vietnamese Mustard, fenugreek, coriander, yada yada yada.

      ...and people wonder why I have a plethora of trays dotted around everywhere all summer and autumn...


      • #4
        Thousands and thousands of seeds now - and, since they have a short shelf life, you'd better sow them all next year, so you should have thousands and thousands and thousands by 2015
        Hope you like parsnips


        • #5
          If they germinate
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • #6
            I left a couple of parsnips and leeks to go to seed so I could collect them, are they likely to produce good plants or would I be better off buying seeds?


            • #7
              I'm having a go at saving some seed myself this year. So far only flowers (some semi-aquilegia, astrantia and a couple of alliums).

              I've followed the instructions from Real Seeds for drying your seeds, so I've got a few jars half filled with rice and the seeds in little bits of muslin cloth.

              Not sure I could do it on a bigger scale though!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                Er, why do you need to know how many you have?
                curiosity, plain and simple,
                you see the small packets that say 250 seeds on or how ever many they say and i got a big envelope, i just wondered if there was a quick way to judge the quantity without counting each seed or buying a pharmecutical or otherwise precise scale, ,,i was after an example like, 250ml of seed = 3000 seeds for example?


                • #9
                  Ah, OK.

                  I don't know the answer though
                  All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                  • #10
                    Parsnip - Supersnip (Bulk) : Egmont Seed Company Ltd, Online seed sales
                    25gms = approx 1000


                    • #11
                      thank you vc i have just weighed and i have just over 100 gms so around 4000 seeds then! cool
                      Last edited by bretty666; 11-08-2013, 05:45 PM. Reason: added detail


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