I have saved my runner beans seeds (Scarlet Emperor) from last year and have started them off in pots indoors. I was wondering if they could be grown in large pots up a wigwam. I have read my gardening books but nothing there to confirm this. Should I use soil or buy compost/John Innes? How frequent would they need feeding? What do you think?
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runner beans
yes Yvonne, you can grow your runner beans in large pots. I am doing this and they are getting on fine. Still indoors as weather really unseasonably cold.
I am using the compost from grow bags as this contains some feeding then I will feed them frequently as they are very greedy. when you are finished growing them in the pot be sure to give the compost to other plants as a feed as the beans fix the nitrogen in the compost and makes great feed for others. Good luck. Hope you get a great crop.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
Hi Yvonne
I grew Scarlet Emperor last year and had eight planted in a half whisky barrel filled with multi purpose compost, trained up a bamboo cane wigwam. Had good results from them - fed them once a week with Tomrite tomato feed. So crack onRat
British by birth
Scottish by the Grace of God
My Sister always grown runners in tubs Yvonne. What she does is puts a layer of rotted manure (she usually buys a bag or two from the garden centre) then tops it up wth Multi Purpose. Beans are hungry feeders esp in pots, so it gives them a bit extra. You could always use a JI no3 instead of Multi purpose, it would make watering a bit easier in the height of summer (if we have any)
My first year in the polytunnel I grew runner beans in pots and they were fantastic. Lots of leaf, but a great number of beans too. I didn't use too big pots as someone told me they like to be constrained. Anyone else heard that one?
Don't laugh - but I think I fed them on tomatoe feed.~
Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
~ Mary Kay Ash
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